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EPT 美語
首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 美國之音 / 流行美語 / 第十七部 / 第09課

第十七部 第九課: fed up , off the hook

  • 李華到 Larry 家借書,正好趕上 Larry 的朋友 Dave 打電話來 。她今天要學兩個常用語, fed upoff the hook
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • That was just Dave on the phone, Li Hua. He is really fed up right now.
  • Dave給你打電話,就是告訴你他吃多了嗎?
  • No, Li Hua. To be fed up is to run out of patience in a difficult situation and to become angry.
  • 噢,fed up不是指吃多了,而是說受夠了。
  • That's right. Dave has been having a bad day, and he has good reason to be fed up.
  • 他遇到什麼倒霉事了嗎?
  • Well, Dave's car broke down on his way to work today, and he called a tow truck to come and get him. He's fed up, because he has been waiting for over an hour for the tow truck to arrive.
  • 拖車一個多小時還沒到。換成我,也會fed up.
  • And Dave is also fed up with his car. This is the third time in the last month that his car has broken down.
  • 一個月壞三次。那可真得換車了,難怪他說自己受夠了。他給你打電話就是抱怨這些嗎?
  • He was hoping that if the tow truck didn't come in the next few minutes I might be able to give him a ride to work. He doesn't want his boss to get too fed up with him.
  • 噢,原來是求你送他去上班。一而再,再而三地因為車子拋錨而上班遲到,確實會引起老闆的懷疑。
  • I don't think Dave's boss is completely fed up with him YET, but Dave doesn't want to take any chances.
  • 那當然了。他好不容易才找到這份工作,因為這個被炒魷魚,太不值得了。
  • Yeah. Personally, I'm a little fed up with Dave right now, too.
  • Dave有什麼讓你受不了的呢?
  • Well, every time Dave's car breaks down, he calls me to ask for a ride. I'm getting a little fed up with having to rearrange my schedule to keep helping Dave out.
  • 確實有點兒煩。不過,他是你的朋友,大家應該互相幫助嘛!
  • You are right, Li Hua. I shouldn't get fed up with Dave. (Phone rings) It's Dave on the phone.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Dave打電話說什麼?
  • He told me the tow truck finally arrived. It looks like I'm off the hook!
  • Off the hook? 這種說法跟釣魚有關吧?
  • Yes, it does, Li Hua. You know when you go fishing for fun, how you put a hook on the end of your line?
  • 當然了,我還記得上次跟你老爸一起去釣魚,魚線最後面有一個鉤子,在上面掛上魚餌。
  • And when a worm is off the hook, it is free. Just like I am now. I am off the hook, because I don't need to drive Dave to work after all.
  • 所以,off the hook就是脫身的意思。你不用再開車送Dave去上班了,所以你說自己是off the hook.
  • That's right. Say, speaking of obligations, don't you have a Chinese class you should be teaching right now?
  • Oh, No. I am off the hook today, Larry. 今天學校放假,所以我不用去教中文課了!
  • I forgot that today is a holiday. Unfortunately, I am NOT off the hook today. I need to go into work this afternoon to finish up a project I am working on.
  • 那你就是on the hook嘍?
  • Well, we don't really say someone is "on the hook" in English when we mean they have something they need to do.
  • 所以說不用再去做一件事情是off the hook, 但是反過來,必須去做一件事情,則不能說on the hook.
  • You've got it, Li Hua. Say, how about going to a movie tonight? Do you still have to write your paper for Professor Jones, or are you off the hook?
  • 唉,I'm not off the hook. 我今天晚上必須得寫完那篇論文。我可不希望讓瓊斯教授 fed up with me.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 fed up, 意思是不耐煩,受夠了。另一個是 off the hook, 是脫身,擺脫責任的意思。
EPT 美語
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