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2025.01.18 16:32
七月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-07-02)------
- Parents to Bury Teenage Girl Whose Death Sparked Riots in China
- 引發中國發生騷亂的死亡少女的父母同意下葬遺體
- The parents of a Chinese teenage girl whose mysterious death sparked massive riots in southwestern China have agreed to bury her body.
- 中國少女的離奇死亡在中國西南地區觸發大規模騷亂,她的父母同意下葬遺體。
- China's official Xinhua news agency reports that the parents of Li Shufen say they will bury her body after a third autopsy today (Wednesday) to help determine how she died.
- 中國官方新華社報導說,李樹芬的父母表示,在今天 (星期三) 做第三次驗屍以幫助確定死因後,將下葬她的遺體。
- Two previous autopsies by local police concluded that the girl had drowned.
- 當地警方所做的前兩次驗屍斷定李樹芬是溺水而死。
- Her family and residents of the Guizhou town where she lived (Weng'an) believe a son of a local government official raped and killed Li.
- 李樹芬的家人和她的所在地貴州甕安縣的居民相信,一名地方政府官員的兒子姦殺了李樹芬。
- Her body was pulled from a local river on June 22. Xinhua says the results of the final autopsy will be released soon.
- 6 月 22 號,她的屍體從當地一條河裡撈上來;新華社說,最後一次驗屍的結果很快就會公佈。
- On Tuesday, Chinese authorities agreed to reopen an investigation into Li's death.
- 中國當局星期二同意重新調查李樹芬的死因。
- (2008-07-02)------
- UN Chief Urges China To Play Greater Global Role
- 聯合國秘書長敦促中國發揮更大的全球作用
- U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged China to take a greater role in dealing with global challenges such as food shortages.
- 聯合國秘書長潘基文敦促中國在應對例如糧食短缺等全球挑戰方面發揮更大的作用。
- Mr. Ban told Chinese President Hu Jintao today (Wednesday) in Beijing that the United Nations needs strong participation, cooperation and partnership with China.
- 潘基文星期三在北京對中國國家主席胡錦濤說,聯合國需要中國的大力參與、合作以及夥伴關係。
- Mr. Hu pledged to support Mr. Ban in his campaign to reform the world organization and thanked him for U.N. relief efforts following the deadly earthquake in China Sichuan province.
- 胡錦濤承諾支援潘基文發起的改革聯合國的行動,並為聯合國在四川致命大地震後提供救援對潘基文表示感謝。
- China is one of five veto-wielding permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and its support is crucial in efforts to reform U.N. institutions.
- 中國是聯合國五個擁有否決權的常任理事國之一,因此中國的支援對改革聯合國機構的努力至關重要。
- Mr. Ban's arrived to Beijing on Tuesday from Japan where he discussed North Korea's recent declaration of its nuclear programs.
- 潘基文星期二從日本抵達北京;他在日本討論了北韓最近提交其核項目清單的問題。