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2025.01.18 14:55
七月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-07-02)------
- Unemployment Hits 9.5% in Europe & US; 26-year High for Americans
- 歐美失業率均升至 9.5 %
- Unemployment has risen to 9.5 percent in Europe and the United States.
- 美國和歐洲失業率均已升到 9.5 %。
- That is the highest level in a decade for Europeans and the worst in 26 years for the U.S.
- 這是歐洲 10 年來的最高水準;對於美國,這是 26 年中最差的失業率。
- Thursday's report from the U.S. Labor Department says the U.S. economy had a net loss of 467,000 jobs in June, which pushed the unemployment rate up by one-tenth of a percent.
- 美國勞工部星期四的報告說,美國經濟 6 月份失去了 46 萬 7000 個工作;這使得失業率升高了 0.1 %。
- The data also show 14.7 million people were unemployed in the United States, with almost one-third of them out of work for half a year or more.
- 這份數據還顯示,美國有 1470 萬人失業,其中將近三分之一失業半年或者更久。
- The head of the Joint Economic Committee in the U.S. Congress, Representative Carolyn Maloney, says the worst job losses "are behind us" but says the labor market "remains weak."
- 美國國會聯合經濟委員會主席凱羅琳‧馬羅尼眾議員說,最糟的工作流失狀況已經過去,不過她說,勞務市場仍然疲軟。
- (2009-07-02)------
- Iraq to Strengthen Military Following US Withdrawal
- 美軍撤離後伊拉克強化軍隊
- Iraqi defense officials say the country aims to strengthen its military to deal with security challenges following the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraqi cities.
- 伊拉克國防官員說,伊拉克著眼加強其軍隊,以應對美軍撤離伊拉克城市之後的安全挑戰。
- Defense Ministry spokesman Mohammed al-Askari told reporters Thursday Iraq is looking to build its air capabilities to be ready once all U.S. forces leave Iraq in 2011.
- 國防部發言人阿斯卡里星期四告訴記者們,伊拉克期望發展其空中能力,為 2011 年美軍全部離開伊拉克做好準備。
- Al-Askari praised Tuesday's withdrawal of U.S. troops from urban areas, saying it took place peacefully without problems.
- 阿斯卡里稱讚美軍星期二撤離伊拉克城市地區的行動,他說撤離行動和平地進行,沒有發生問題。
- Thursday, bombings killed at least three people in the Baghdad area, the first such violence since the pull-out.
- 星期四,爆炸事件在巴格達地區造成至少 3 人喪生,這是美軍撤出之後首次發生的此類暴力事件。
- Authorities say a roadside bomb struck an Iraqi army patrol in the capital Thursday, killing an Iraqi soldier and wounding at least eight others.
- 當局說,一枚路邊炸彈星期四在首都擊中一個伊拉克陸軍巡邏隊,炸死一名伊拉克士兵,炸傷至少 8 名軍人。
- Officials say at least two people were killed and 15 others wounded in a car bombing south of Baghdad.
- 官員們說,在巴格達南面的一起汽車炸彈爆炸至少炸死兩人,炸傷 15 人。
- A security spokesman (General Qassem Mohammed Atta) in the capital says Iraqi troops are taking all precautions to stop terrorist attacks.
- 在首都的一名安全部隊發言人說,伊拉克軍隊正在採取一切防範措施制止恐怖襲擊。