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2024.12.09 22:11
七月份 第 02 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-07-02)------
- North Korea, South China Sea to Top ASEAN Regional Forum Agenda
- 東盟地區論壇將討論朝鮮核項目及南中國海爭端問題
- Diplomats from 27 countries are meeting in Brunei, with North Korea's nuclear program and territorial disputes in the South China Sea expected to top the agenda.
- 來自 27 個國家的外交官在汶萊舉行會議,預計主要議題是朝鮮核項目以及南中國海領土爭端。
- The ASEAN Regional Forum that opened Tuesday includes delegates from all six nations involved in the nuclear disarmament talks with North Korea that were disbanded in 2008.
- 東盟地區論壇於星期二召開,參加朝鮮去核化六方會談的各方代表都出席了會議;六方會談於 2008 年宣告破裂。
- North Korea has in recent weeks proposed restarting the talks, but has shown few signs it is ready to give up its nuclear weapons.
- 朝鮮近幾個星期來一直表示重啟六方會談,但是並沒有顯示出願意放棄其核武器的跡象。
- On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States, China, Japan, and South Korea are "absolutely" unified in their insistence that Pyongyang must denuclearize.
- 美國國務卿克里星期一說,美國、中國、日本和南韓在堅持朝鮮必須去核化問題上的立場完全一致。
- He also urged ASEAN to make progress on a code of conduct covering disputes in the South China Sea, where Beijing has overlapping claims with several Southeast Asian countries.
- 他(克里) 還敦促東盟推動制定涵蓋南中國海爭端的行為準則;中國和幾個東南亞國家都宣稱對該海域擁有主權。
- China, which has been reluctant to deal with ASEAN on the disputes, on Sunday agreed to hold "official consultations" with the regional body on a proposed code of conduct.
- 中國一直不肯與東盟就南中國海領土爭端問題進行協商;星期天,中國同意與東盟就擬議中的行為準則進行正式磋商。
- (2013-07-02)------
- Obama Closes Trade-Focused Africa Trip
- 歐巴馬結束非洲貿易之行
- U.S. President Barack Obama has wrapped up his trip to Africa and says he is convinced that with the right approach the continent's people "can unleash a new era of prosperity."
- 美國總統歐巴馬結束了他的非洲之行;歐巴馬說,他確信有了正確的方法,非洲大陸人民 “就能夠開創一個繁榮的新時代。”
- Mr. Obama left Tuesday after visiting and speaking at a once-idle power plant in Tanzania that was restarted through a joint U.S.-Tanzanian effort.
- 結束非洲之行之前,歐巴馬參觀了坦尚尼亞一家一度閒置的發電廠,並發表講話;這家工廠在美國和坦尚尼亞的共同努力下重新開工。
- There, the president promoted his new $7 billion program to give more Africans access to electricity, with the goal of boosting the continent's economies.
- 歐巴馬在講話時宣傳一項耗資 70 億美元的新計劃,讓更多的非洲人有電可用,促進非洲大陸的經濟發展。
- He ended his week-long visit to Africa with a ceremony at Dar es Salaam airport, where he was seeing off President Jakaya Kikwete and hundreds of cheering and flag-waving Tanzanians.
- 歐巴馬結束了一個星期的非洲之行;坦尚尼亞總統基奎特到達疊斯薩拉姆機場為他送行;另有幾百名坦尚尼亞人也到機場歡送歐巴馬。
- Earlier Tuesday, former president George W. Bush joined Mr. Obama for a wreath-laying ceremony to honor the 11 people killed in the 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassy in Dar es Salaam.
- 星期二早些時候,美國前總統喬治‧W‧布希跟歐巴馬一起參加了敬獻花圈的儀式,向美國駐坦尚尼亞首都達疊斯薩拉姆大使館 1998 年爆炸事件的 11 名遇難者表達敬意。