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十月份 第 17 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-10-25)------

  • Obama Aide Slams Romney's Tough Talk on China as "Irresponsible"
  • 歐巴馬顧問批羅姆尼對中國說硬話不負責任
  •   A foreign policy adviser to President Barack Obama says Republican candidate Mitt Romney's pledge to label China a currency manipulator on his first day in office is irresponsible and risks upsetting U.S.-China relations.
  • 美國共和黨總統候選人羅姆尼曾經承諾,他如果當選總統,上任第一天就會將中國列為貨幣操縱國;歐巴馬總統的一位外交政策顧問表示,這是不負責任的表現,並會威脅到美中關係。

  •   At a debate Wednesday at Johns Hopkins University, Mr. Obama's former senior Asia policy aide Jeff Bader said it is "astonishing" Mr. Romney would take the step during Beijing's sensitive leadership transition, which begins two days after the November 6 election.
  • 星期三在約翰斯‧霍普金斯大學舉行的辯論會上,歐巴馬總統的前任高級亞洲政策顧問巴德說,如果羅姆尼在北京權力交接的敏感時期採取這一行動將會 “令人震驚”;中國的 18 大將在美國大選兩天後舉行。

  •   Bader, who serves on the president's re-election committee, said China's new Communist Party leaders will "not be in a passive mood for threats and being backed into corners."
  • 巴德目前效力於歐巴馬總統競選連任委員會;他說,中共新領導人不會消極對待美國的威脅,不會被逼到沒有退路的角落。

  •   He said he guarantees they will "retaliate."
  • 他說,他可以肯定,中國領導人會進行報復。

  •   Romney campaign national security adviser Aaron Friedberg said the U.S. should not "be paralyzed" because of fears of sparking a trade war between the world's two largest economies.
  • 羅姆尼競選班子的國家安全事務顧問弗裏德伯格表示,美國不應該因為害怕世界上兩個最大的經濟體爆發貿易戰而 “陷入癱瘓”。

  •   He insists the move would not "trigger Armageddon," arguing that "China is more dependent on the United States than we are on them."
  • 他堅稱,將中國列為貨幣操縱國不會導致世界末日,因為中國對美國的依賴大於美國對中國的依賴。


  • (2012-10-25)------

  • Tokyo's Fiery Governor Quits to Form New Party
  • 說話大膽的東京都知事石原辭職組建新政黨
  •   Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, whose outspoken nationalism has often angered neighboring China, says he is resigning to form a new political party ahead of a general election.
  • 東京都知事石原慎太郎表示,他將辭去他的職務,並將在日本大選前組建新的政黨;石原直言不諱的民族主義經常激怒鄰國中國。

  •   Ishihara told a news conference Thursday he plans to run for parliament in the elections, which must be called by August.
  • 石原星期四在記者會上說,他計劃競選國會議員;日本國會選舉必須在 8 月底之前舉行。

  •   He was a parliamentarian for the Liberal Democratic Party before serving nearly 14 years as governor of Japan's largest city.
  • 石原曾經代表自由民主黨擔任過國會議員,後來擔任了日本最大都市東京都知事將近 14 年。

  •   The 80-year-old novelist-turned-politician is known for his far-right political views, including his opposition to Japan's pacifist World War II-era constitution.
  • 今年 80 歲的石原從政前是一位作家,是日本著名的極右派政治人物;他的極右派觀點包括反對日本二戰後的和平憲法。

  •   Earlier this year, he angered Beijing by threatening to buy and develop a group of islands claimed by both Japan and China.
  • 今年早些時候,石原威脅要購買並開發一個日本和中國都聲稱擁有主權的群島,讓中國大為光火。

  •   Analysts say the move forced Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to nationalize some of the islands, which led to a serious deterioration in China-Japan relations.
  • 分析人士認為,石原的做法迫使野田佳彥首相將其中一些島嶼國有化,導致中日關係的嚴重惡化。

EPT 美語
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