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2025.01.18 14:30
十月份 第 17 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-10-23)------
- Chinese Newspaper Calls for Police to Release Reporter
- 中國報紙要求警方釋放記者
- A Chinese newspaper is calling for the release one of its journalists who was arrested after exposing alleged financial wrongdoing at a state-owned company.
- 一家中國報紙呼籲當局釋放該報一名記者,這名記者在揭露一家國有企業的財務問題後遭到逮捕。
- The New Express tabloid on Wednesday published an impassioned, front-page editorial under the bold headline, "Please Release Our Man."
- 星期三,新快報在頭版刊登了一篇語氣激烈的社論,標題是 “請放人”。
- The journalist, Chen Yongzhou, was arrested Friday on suspicion of "damaging the reputation of a business" after he wrote a series of reports on the finances of the Zoomlion construction equipment company.
- 記者陳永洲星期五被逮捕,他涉嫌損害一家企業的聲譽,此前他撰寫了有關建築設備公司中聯重科財務問題的系列報導。
- Chen's reports claimed Zoomlion artificially inflated its profits. The company, which is listed in the Hong Kong and Shenzhen stock exchanges, reported revenues of $7.6 billion last year.
- 陳永洲在報導中說,中聯重科虛報利潤;中聯重科是香港和深圳上市公司,去年上報收入 760 億美元。
- The Hunan provincial government owns about one-sixth of the company.
- 湖南省政府擁有該公司大約六分之一的股份。
- The New Express, which is located in the southern city of Guangzhou, says there is no evidence that Chen committed a crime.
- 廣州的新快報說,沒有陳永洲犯罪的任何證據。
- The strongly worded editorial said journalists should not be punished for writing stories that embarrass powerful officials or companies.
- 該報措辭強烈的社論說,記者不應因撰寫讓有權勢的官員或企業感到難堪的報導而受懲罰。
- (2013-10-23)------
- China, India Reach Defense Cooperation Deal
- 中印達成防務合作協議
- Longtime regional competitors China and India have agreed to strengthen defense cooperation along their disputed, and sometimes tense, Himalayan border.
- 中國和印度已經同意在有爭議的喜馬拉雅山脈邊界地帶加強防務合作;長期以來,中印兩國一直是地區競爭對手。
- The confidence building agreement was signed Wednesday in Beijing following a meeting by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.
- 印度總理辛格與中國總理李克強舉行會談後,雙方星期三在北京簽署了有關協議。
- Prime Minister Singh said the defense cooperation pact will help ensure the India-China relationship is not further strained by the decades-old border dispute, which flared up in April.
- 辛格說,這項防務合作協議將有助於確保印中兩國關係不會因數十年來的邊界爭端而進一步緊張化。
- In April, India accused Chinese troops of setting up a camp that was at least 10 kilometers inside territory claimed by India.
- 今年 4 月,中印邊界爭端激化;印度指責中國軍隊在印度宣稱擁有主權的地區縱深至少 10 公里處設立營地。
- China denied that troops had crossed into Indian territory.
- 北京否認中國軍隊進入印度領土。