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十一月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2006-11-14)------

  • China-India Border Dispute Flares Ahead of Hu Jintao's Visit
  • 中國印度邊界爭端胡錦濤訪問前升溫
  •   A decades-old border dispute between India and China has flared up ahead of a visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao.
  • 在中國國家主席胡錦濤即將訪問之際,印度和中國數十年來的邊界爭端升溫。

  •   Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukerjee Tuesday asserted India's claim to the far northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh. He called the area an integral part of India.
  • 印度外長慕克吉星期二宣稱,印度東北部的阿魯納恰爾邦為印度領土。他說,那是印度不可分割的一部份。

  •   The comments were in response to a statement by China's ambassador to New Delhi, Sun Yuxi, who said Monday that the area belongs entirely to China.
  • 他的話是針對中國駐印度大使孫玉璽星期一的講話做出的回應.孫玉璽星期一說, 那一地區完全屬於中國。

  •   In addition to the dispute about Arunachal Pradesh India says China still controls Indian territory in Kashmir.
  • 除了有關阿魯納恰爾邦的爭端之外,印度還說,中國仍然控制著克什米爾內的印度領土。


  • (2006-11-14)------

  • U.S. Removes Vietnam From Blacklist on Religious Freedom
  • 美將越南從反宗教自由國名單中刪除
  •   Government officials in Hanoi are welcoming the United States' decision to remove Vietnam from a list of countries that severely violate religious freedoms.
  • 越南政府歡迎美國把越南從嚴重違反宗教自由的國家名單上刪除的決定。

  •   A Vietnamese foreign ministry spokesman (Le Dung) says the U.S. move reflects the reality in Vietnam, as well as improved U.S.-Vietnamese relations.
  • 越南外交部發言人說,美國的這一行動反映了越南的實況,也反映了美越關係的改善。

  •   The U.S. State Department dropped Vietnam from a list of "countries of particular concern" due to their treatment of religious groups.
  • 美國國務院把越南從因對宗教團體的態度而需「特別關注的國家」的名單上除名。

  •   Washington had placed Vietnam on the list in 2004.
  • 華盛頓 2004 年把越南列入這一名單。

  •   In announcing the action Monday, U.S. officials say Vietnam has made significant progress on religious-freedom issues.
  • 美國官員星期一宣佈這一消息的時候說,越南在宗教自由方面取得了顯著進展。

  •   Vienam has reopened hundreds of Christian churches that were forcibly closed years ago.
  • 越南重新開放了數百個多年前被強行關閉的基督教堂。

EPT 美語
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