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2024.09.20 12:47
十一月份 第 10 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-11-14)------
- Obama Considering Hillary Clinton as Top US Diplomat
- 美國國務卿熱門人選-希拉芯.克林頓參議員
- U.S. media are reporting that Senator Hillary Clinton is among the candidates President-elect Barack Obama is considering for secretary of state.
- 美國新聞媒體報導說,希拉芯.克林頓參議員是美國當選總統歐巴馬考慮出任國務卿的人選之一。
- New reports say Mr. Obama met with the New York lawmaker Thursday in Chicago.
- 有消息說,歐巴馬星期四曾在芝加哥會晤了這位來自紐約州的參議員。
- Democratic officials have indicated that the former first lady is on Mr. Obama's list of candidates for the top U.S. diplomat post.
- 民主黨官員表示,身為前第一夫人的希拉芯.克林頓在歐巴馬的國務卿人選名單上榜上有名。
- Senator Clinton lost to Mr. Obama in the Democratic presidential primary after a long and often bitter race.
- 希拉芯在曠日持久而且有時惡言相向的民主黨總統初選中輸給了歐巴馬。
- When recently asked if she would work in the Obama administration, Clinton said she was happy being in the U.S. Senate, but said she wants to be "a good partner" to the new president.
- 本星期早些時候,希拉芯被問到她是否會在歐巴馬政府中任職的問題,她說,她對擔任聯邦參議員很滿意,但是希望成為新總統的「好搭檔」。
- Others said to be under consideration for secretary of state include Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.
- 其他一些據說也在國務卿人選考慮之列的包括代表麻薩諸塞州的聯邦參議員克里、代表內布拉斯加州的共和黨參議員哈格爾和新墨西哥州州長里查森。
- In other news, the Obama transition team says Mr. Obama is to meet Monday in Chicago with Republican Senator John McCain, who lost to Mr. Obama in the presidential election.
- 另一方面,歐巴馬的過渡團隊說,歐巴馬星期一將在芝加哥會晤大選中敗給了歐巴馬的共和黨參議員麥凱恩。
- (2008-11-14)------
- Russian Parliament Says Yes to Extending Presidential Term Limits
- 俄羅斯議會一讀通過延長總統任期
- The lower house of parliament overwhelmingly approved the measure during its first reading today.
- 俄議會下院星期五在對這項議案進行一讀時以壓倒多數批准了這項提案。
- It will need to pass through two more readings to change the constitution and become law.
- 這項提案還需要通過二讀和三讀,對憲法進行修改後成為法律。
- The lower house has fast tracked the measure, which was announced by President Dmitri Medvedev last week.
- 在總統梅德韋傑夫上周宣佈了這項提案後,俄羅斯下院迅速採取行動對提案進行立法。
- Opponents say the measure could allow former Russian President Vladimir Putin, who now is Russia's prime minister, to quickly seek to return to the presidency.
- 反對人士說,這一提案將使俄羅斯前總統普京得以在短期內尋求重登總統寶座;普京現任俄羅斯總理。
- Mr. Medvedev has also proposed extending the term of the State Duma from four to five years.
- 梅德韋傑夫還提議把俄羅斯國家元首的任期從 4 年延長到 5 年。