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七月份 第 12 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2011-07-19)------

  • US House to Vote on Deficit Cutting Proposal
  • 美國眾議院將表決削減赤字提案
  •   The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives votes Tuesday on legislation that would cut billions of dollars from the federal budget in exchange for raising the country's borrowing limit and avoiding a first-ever default.
  • 美國共和黨控制的國會眾議院星期二就一項預算立法進行投票;這項提案要求削減數萬億美元的聯邦開支,以換取提高國家的債務上限,從而使美國避免第一次出現債務違約。

  •   The so-called Cut, Cap and Balance Act, supported by the Republican Party's Tea Party faction and other fiscally conservative groups, would also impose strict limits on future government spending, and require both the House and Senate to approve a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget, outlawing the government from spending more money than it takes in.
  • 這項所謂的 “削減、最高限度和平衡法案” 得到共和黨內的 “茶黨” 和其他財政保守團體的支持;提案還限制政府的未來開支,並要求國會參眾兩院批准就預算平衡修正憲法,將政府入不敷出定為非法。

  •   The bill has little chance of being approved by the Democratic-controlled Senate, and the White House says President Barack Obama would veto it.
  • 這個提案幾乎不可能在民主黨控制的參議院獲得通過;白宮也表示,歐巴馬總統將否決這項提案。

  •   The administration says the bill would severely harm the government's ability to help middle-class Americans and the elderly.
  • 白宮說,這一提案將嚴重損害政府幫助美國中產階級和老年人的能力。

  •   Meanwhile, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues to hold talks with Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on McConnell's proposal to give the president sole authority to raise the debt limit by $2.5 trillion in three installments over the next year.
  • 與此同時,參議院多數黨民主黨領袖里德繼續與參議院少數黨共和黨領袖麥康奈爾就後者的一項提議舉行會談;麥康奈爾提議,授予總統獨有的權力,明年分三次將債務上限提高 2.5 萬億美元。


  • (2011-07-19)------

  • Clinton Says US, India United in Terror Fight
  • 克林頓說美印在反恐中聯合合作
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the United States and India are united in fighting "violent extremist networks," and that the two nations are increasingly working together on homeland security issues.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯‧克林頓說,美國與印度在打擊 “暴力極端組織” 方面團結一致,兩國在國土安全問題的合作日趨加強。

  •   Her comments came Tuesday in the capital, New Delhi, as she began two days of talks with Indian officials aimed at strengthening political and economic relations.
  • 希拉芯星期二在印度首都新德裡發表上述講話,並且開始與印度官員舉行兩天的會談,目的在於加強政治和經濟關系。

  •   Clinton said the importance of confronting extremists was made even more clear after last week's triple bombings in India's financial hub, Mumbai, which killed 19 people and wounded more than 130 others.
  • 克林頓說,上周印度金融中心孟買發生三起爆炸,因此打擊極端分子的重要性變得更加清晰;孟買爆炸造成 19 人死亡、至少 130 人受傷。

  •   She also stressed the need for stronger financial ties, calling for more open markets and increased sales of U.S. arms to India.
  • 她還強調需要加強金融聯系,呼籲進一步開放市場,增加美國對印度的軍售。

  •   Clinton said the two sides need to resolve issues related to a 2008 civil nuclear cooperation deal, which could open up business opportunities for U.S. nuclear energy companies in India.
  • 克林頓說,雙方需要解決與 2008 年民用核能合作協議有關的一些問題;此項協議可能為美國的核能企業在印度開啟商機。

  •   She met Tuesday with Indian National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon, and is scheduled to hold talks with a range of other senior officials, including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress Party chief Sonia Gandhi.
  • 她(希拉芯) 星期二會晤了印度國家安全顧問希夫尚卡爾‧梅農;她星期二還計劃與其他高級官員舉行會談,包括總理辛格和國大黨主席索尼婭‧甘地。


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