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2025.02.19 02:22
第三部 第十五課: packed , hype
- 今天 Michael 和李華二個人到紐約一個公園去看煙火,李華會學到兩個新詞:packed 和 hype。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 哎,我的老天,這個公園可真擠,但願啊我們能夠找到個地方坐下來。
- Yeah, it's really packed today. I've never seen this many people here.
- 哎,Michael,你剛剛說什麼啊?你是說人好多嗎?
- Yes, I said the park is packed. That means it is crowded, there are a lot of people here.
- 哦~,我懂了,你說的 packed,p-a-c-k-e-d ,就是通常你說打包的 pack 那個字,對不對?
- That's right. Here we say "be packed" to show that a place is full of people, just like a box packed full of stuff.
- 哦~,我想我懂了,那~,像中國人口很多,我是不是可以說 China is packed?
- No, that's not really right: China has a lot of people, but China is also a very big place. We usually use packed to describe a small place full of people.
- 哦~,原來是這樣.疑?那就好像中國在過春節的時候,每班火車都擠得滿滿的,那我就可以說:在春節前那個星期 the trains are packed,對不對?
- That's right. Around Spring Festival, the buses are packed as well, right?
- 沒錯,事實上啊,中國的公共汽車永遠都擠得滿滿的,很難找個位置的,至少啊,在各個大都市都是這樣。
- So, in China what other kinds of places might be packed with people?
- Well,嗯~我記得我去看 「泰坦尼克號」 那部電影時,電影院啊擠的好滿,好像每個人都想看那部電影似的。
- Ewww. I don't really understand why people liked that movie so much. I thought it was boring.
- 喔,管它是啥原因,Michael,反正啊,中國各地的電影院總是很擠就是了啦。
- Hey, the show is starting.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 嘿,Michael,你覺得今天的煙火怎麼樣?
- Well I guess they were ok, but I was hoping they would be better.
- 你覺得還可以更好一些啊?可是我覺得已經很好了呀。
- Oh, but there was so much hype about this show! Every newspaper said it was going to be the greatest fireworks display in New York history!
- 哎,Michael,你說太多什麼啦?你說這次煙火怎麼啦?
- I said there was a lot of hype, h-y-p-e. Hype means a lot of excitement or praise about something that you might hear about before you see it.
- 哦~,所以 hype 就是指大家總是把一件事說的比實際情況還要好,對不對?
- Yeah, that's right. For instance, there was a lot of hype about Titanic, but I don't think it was as good as the hype said it would be.
- 嗯-,你說 the hype about Titanic ,所以我們是不是應該說 there is hype about something,是不是啊?
- That's right. For example, I remember hearing a lot of hype about the Forbidden City in Beijing, but I didn't think it was very interesting.
- 你說什麼啊?你居然說北京故宮不好,那可是中國保存歷史古跡的一顆明珠哎。
- I didn't say it wasn't important to Chinese history. I just didn't think it was very fun to visit, at least not as fun as all the hype said it would be.
- 哎喲,算了啦 Michael,我才不管你怎麼想呢。疑?你說報上對今天的煙火作了很多宣傳,到底是怎麼說的呢?
- Well, the newspapers said it was going to be larger and more exciting than anything ever shown in the city before. But really I think that was just hype. This year wasn't much different from last year.
- 唉,Michael,要是你總是聽人宣傳的話,你一定會失望的。
- Yeah, I guess you are right.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天 Michael 和李華到紐約的一個公園去看煙火, Michael 說這個公園是 packed,也就是「十分擁擠」的意思.另外 Michael 也不是太喜歡這次的煙火表演,因為他說報紙「做了過多的渲染」,也就是 hype 這個詞的含義。