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EPT 美語
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第九部 第六課: bum , ticker

  • 李華打電話問 Larry 今天下午要不要一塊兒去打網球.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: bumticker.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 嘿!Larry,你今天下午有空嗎?想不想和我去打網球?今天天氣啊真好!
  • I'm sorry, Li Hua, but my bum knee is bothering me. I don't think it's a good idea to play tennis right now.
  • 你的膝蓋怎麼啦? Bum knee,那是什麼毛病啊?
  • I have a bum knee means that there is something permanently wrong with my knee.
  • 哦~,原來 a bum knee 就是一個膝蓋以前受了傷而落下了毛病,也就是老毛病了.疑? Larry, 你什麼時候受的傷,我怎麼不知道啊?
  • I tore a tendon playing soccer several years ago, and now my knee hurts once in a while and it doesn't always bend very well.
  • 哦~,你幾年前踢足球的時候受傷的啊,所以不時就會感到痛,還不能彎.嗯,我爺爺他年輕時腿也受過傷哎,現在只要一下雨,他的腿就會發作。
  • Yes, having a bum knee or leg is very common, particularly among former professional athletes.
  • 就是啊,這種傷害啊對職業運動員來說很常見的.我倒是很驚訝那些美式足球隊員啊,打起球來橫衝直撞的,居然還能走路呢!
  • Yes, well many of them do suffer from a bum leg, a bum knee, or a bum shoulder.
  • 嗯,他們的工資那麼高,據說有的年薪都上百萬呢!筋骨受傷啊大概只是個小小的代價吧!
  • That's true, but not all of them make that much money and they still suffer injuries that leave them with a bum joint.
  • 當然啊,不是每個球員工資都那麼高的.工資低的啊也經常會受傷的。
  • Li Hua. I would play with you if I could. Try to find someone who can play with you. If you can't, give me a call and we can watch a movie or something.
  • 嗯!我啊要是找不到打球的伴再給你打電話,看電影也挺好的哎。
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 嗨,Larry,我找不到人和我打網球.你還想去看電影嗎?
  • I'm sorry, I can't. My mom just called to tell me that my uncle is in the hospital because he has a bum ticker. I should go and visit him.
  • 你要去醫院看望你叔叔,他怎麼啦?你說你叔叔得了什麼病, bum ticker? 什麼是 ticker 啊?
  • He has a bum ticker. Ticker is slang for one's heart because your heartbeats similar to the way in which a clock ticks. My uncle has a bad heart.
  • 哦~,原來 ticker 是指心臟啊!疑,對哎,心臟是像鐘表那樣啊,滴滴答答地跳動. Larry,你是說你叔叔心臟病發作呀?
  • No, he just had some pains in his chest. He knows that he has a bum ticker, so he went to the hospital to have it checked out.
  • 原來他是因為胸口痛才住院.唉,希望他沒事兒.我爸爸心臟也不好,所以醫生特別叮嚀他要小心,避免壓力太大。
  • Well, we've warned my uncle to take care of his old ticker, but he doesn't listen. He still eats junk food and he has a very stressful job.
  • 看來啊你叔叔不是個聽話的病人哦.心臟不好的人應該要避免吃垃圾食物.或許你叔叔這一次出院後,就能意識到要好好照顧自己的心臟了。
  • I hope so, but he has already had a heart attack and surgery, so I doubt he'll change his habits because of a few chest pains.
  • 他已經發作過心臟病,還動過手術啊!那看來胸口痛是不會促使他改變飲食習慣了.哎,得了,你啊還是趕快上醫院去吧,我明天再和你聊囉!
  • Okay, bye.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
EPT 美語
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