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2025.01.18 15:13
第十一部 第一課: downer , baby
- Larry 到李華住的地方去接她出去吃晚餐,可是發現李華正在焦急地到處找什麼東西.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: downer 和 baby.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Larry,我的錢包不見了,找了半天也沒找到.我啊肯定是放在家裡的,你說現在怎麼辦啊?
- That's a real downer. Let me help you look for it. What does it look like?
- 啊嗯~,我的錢包是紅顏色的,上面啊還鑲藍色的邊.你剛才說 downer,那是什麼意思啊?
- Oh, a "downer" is something that makes you feel "down" or depressed. Losing your wallet is definitely a downer.
- Downer 就是讓人不高興的事情.嗯,丟錢包啊真的是很倒霉哎,丟了錢還不算,還得重新申請駕駛執照、身份證件,還得打電話給信用卡公司取消我的信用卡,想到這些啊我就頭疼。
- Hey, don't get all upset yet. We still haven't finished looking for it.
- 我知道.這樣吧,我到廚房去找,你啊幫我找一找沙發底下哦。
- Sure. Hey, you know what else is a downer? Julia can't go out with us tonight. Her boyfriend is sick and she went over to his house to take care of him.
- 哦~, Julia 今天晚上不能和我們去吃飯啦?真讓人失望. That is a downer! 自從啊她交了男朋友以後,我已經好久沒見到她了。
- I know what you mean. I haven't seen her in at least two months.
- 找到了!我找到我的錢包了.你看,在冰箱下面,一定是今天早上啊我買菜回來時掉下去的。
- Great! Let's go. I'm so hungry that I can eat a whole horse. It would be a real downer if we have to wait for a table at the restaurant.
- 餐廳裡啊等不到位子,那還不是什麼大問題呢.我啊要是真找不到我的錢包,那才真是個 a real downer。
- Yeah, then I'd have to pay!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 啊~什麼啊!還得等一個小時才有座位啊?啊~,我不行了,我快要餓死了!
- Oh, don't be such a big baby. You'll survive. Besides, it might not take that long.
- Larry,你說我像個 baby, Baby 是嬰兒、是娃娃哎.我餓了還不行嗎?大人也會肚子餓哪!
- Well, then don't act so immature and whiny. You're too old to whine like a baby.
- 你說我表現得像個孩子一樣,所以叫我 baby.我餓了還不能說呀?
- Saying that you're going to starve to death is a little dramatic, don't you think?
- 我說快要餓死了,這是強調、誇張!為了找錢包,我中午飯都沒有來得及吃呢.所以我真的是很餓啊!
- All right, don't get so upset. I was just teasing you. You don't need to be such a big baby about it.
- 你怎麼你又叫我 baby 了!
- I'm sorry. It's just fun to tease you.
- 喝!,你就喜歡這樣逗我.你覺得這樣很好玩啊?好啊!你不也是經常抱怨沒有時間看球賽,沒有時間出去玩嗎?那下回啊我也叫你 a big baby!
- I really was just kidding, Li Hua. You're not a big baby. You don't need to start thinking of ways to get even with me.
- 你惹急了我就說是開玩笑,我當然要想辦法報復囉。
- Hey, look, our table's ready.
- 謝天謝地,我們終於等到位子了.現在啊你再叫我 big baby 我也無所謂了.吃飯要緊,我們快點菜吧。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語,第一個是: downer,就是指「讓人非常失望、非常不高興的事情」;另一個常用語是: baby,是「形容一個人表現得像小孩兒一樣幼稚」。