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九月份 第 16 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-09-23)------

  • Obama: All Nations Must Take Responsibility for Responding to Global Challenges
  • 歐巴馬:各國必須承擔應對全球挑戰的份內責任
  •   President Obama says all nations must take their share of responsibility for global responses to global challenges.
  • 歐巴馬總統說,在對全球挑戰做出全球反應的時候,各國必須承擔各自的責任。

  •   He said the United States will live according to its values and lead by example, but nations cannot just stand by and wait for the U.S. to solve the world's problems alone.
  • 他說,美國將按照其價值觀生活,以身作則來領導,但是其他國家不能袖手旁觀,坐等美國獨自解決世界的問題。

  •   He also addressed critics of the United States, saying those who question its character and cause need only look at the actions his administration have taken in its first nine months.
  • 他還提到了對美國的批評;他說,那些質疑美國的特質和理由的人們,只需看看他的政府在執政頭 9 個月中採取的行動即可了解。

  •   President Obama highlighted his decisions to prohibit the use of torture, close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and forge a framework to combat extremism within the rule of law.
  • 歐巴馬總統特別強調了他做出的有關決定,包括禁止使用酷刑,關閉在古巴關塔那摩灣的美軍監獄,以及在法治下制定出一個打擊極端主義的框架。

  •   He said the administration has set a clear and focused goal to defeat al Qaida and its extremist allies and is responsibly ending the war in Iraq.
  • 他說,美國政府已制定了打擊基地份子及其極端主義盟友的明確和集中的目標,並且負責任地要結束伊拉克戰爭。


  • (2009-09-23)------

  • Chinese Media: 11 Charged in Factory Brawl That Led to Riots
  • 中國 11 人被控涉入和新疆騷亂有關鬥毆事件
  •   Chinese prosecutors have charged 11 people in connection with a factory brawl that led to deadly ethnic unrest in the northwestern province of Xinjiang.
  • 中國檢察官指控 11 人和一次工廠鬥毆有關,這場鬥毆導致了西北部新疆地區致命的民族騷亂。

  •   China's official Xinhua news agency says the suspects were charged with either causing intentional injury or participating in a group brawl.
  • 中國官方新華社報導,嫌犯不是被控造成蓄意傷害就是被控參與群體鬥毆。

  •   In June, tensions between China's ethnic Uighurs and Han Chinese led to clashes at a toy factory in Guangdong province, leaving two people dead.
  • 今年 6 月,一些維吾爾族人和漢人在廣東省一家玩具廠發生衝突,造成 2 人喪生。

  •   The clashes were sparked by a false rumor in the factory that Uighur workers had raped two Chinese girls.
  • 衝突的原因是工廠內謠傳維吾爾族人強姦了兩名漢族女子。

  •   A few weeks later, a demonstration by Uighurs in Xinjiang province turned into a riot in which nearly 200 people were killed -- mostly Han Chinese.
  • 鬥毆事件發生幾星期之後,新疆地區維吾爾族人上街示威;示威變成騷亂,有近 200 人死亡;死者多數為漢人。

  •   Han Chinese launched revenge attacks two days later.
  • 漢人兩天後發動報復攻擊。


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