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2025.01.18 14:56
十一月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2011-11-28)------
- Voting Begins in Egypt's Landmark Elections
- 埃及開始舉行里程碑意義的選舉
- Egyptians have begun casting their ballots in the first parliamentary elections since a popular uprising ended the 30-year rule of former president Hosni Mubarak in February.
- 埃及人開始議會選舉投票;這是二月民眾起義終結前總統穆巴拉克 30 年統治後的第一次選舉。
- Voters stood in long lines early Monday, well before polling stations opened.
- 星期一早上,距離投票站開放還有很長時間,選民就已經排起了長隊。
- Thousands of Egyptian judges are monitoring the process.
- 數千名埃及法官正在監督這一過程。
- The staggered polls to elect parliament's lower house began in the main cities of Cairo and Alexandria, as well as Luxor, Port Said and five other provinces.
- 以交錯投票方式進行的議會下院選舉在開羅、亞歷山大港這兩座主要城市以及盧克索、塞得港和其他 5 個省開始。
- A runoff for those areas is scheduled for December 5.
- 這些地區的決選將於 12 月 5 日舉行。
- Egypt's 27 provinces are voting in three separate rounds in a process that concludes in early January.
- 埃及 27 個省的選舉過程分成三輪,將於明年一月初結束。
- Elections for the upper house will then take place, ending in March, after which the assembly will write a new constitution.
- 然後將開始議會上院的選舉,並於 3 月結束;新選舉出的議會之後將制定新憲法。
- The influential Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement officially banned since the 1950s, is poised to win a stronger role in a country effectively run by the military for nearly six decades as an authoritarian secular state.
- 20 世紀 50 年代以來被官方取締的具有影響力的伊斯蘭運動組織 -- 回教徒兄弟會將在埃及發揮更大作用;埃及實際上被軍隊以獨裁、政教分離的方式統治了將近 60 年。
- But Egypt's ruling generals have established a convoluted electoral system that many fear will result in a legislature lacking credibility.
- 但是埃及執政的將軍們建立了一套有爭議的選舉制度,許多人擔心這個制度會導致建立一個缺乏公信力的立法機構。
- Army generals have made clear the new assembly would have no right to remove a government appointed by the ruling military council.
- 軍方將領已經明確表示,新議會將無權撤銷執政的軍事委員會任命的政府。
- The head of that body, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, defended the army's privileged status in Egyptian society, declaring Sunday that "the position of the armed forces will remain as it is," even after a new constitution is passed.
- 軍事委員會主席坦塔維星期天為軍隊在埃及社會的特權地位辯護;他宣佈,即使新憲法得到通過,“軍隊的位置仍將保持不變”。
- (2011-11-28)------
- UN Climate Conference Opens in South Africa
- 聯合國氣候變化大會在南非開幕
- Representatives from nearly 200 countries have gathered in Durban, South Africa for a U.N. conference on climate change.
- 來自將近 200 個國家的代表齊聚南非德班,參加有關氣候變化的聯合國會議。
- The 12-day meeting began Monday and will focus on efforts to extend the Kyoto Protocol, which is set to expire next year.
- 這次為期 12 天的會議星期一開始,會議將討論延長明年到期的《京都議定書》的有關工作。
- The Kyoto pact committed industrialized nations to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by a set amount by 2012.
- 《京都議定書》責成工業化國家必須在 2012 年前把溫室氣體排放降低到一定水準。
- But efforts to negotiate its successor have been on hold since the failure of the climate conference in Copenhagen two years ago.
- 但兩年前在哥本哈根舉行的氣候變化會議以失敗告終之後,國際社會用新的協定取代《京都議定書》的談判就一直陷入停滯。
- Few believe this conference will result in a new agreement, but delegates said Monday they are hopeful.
- 很少有人相信這次會議能夠達成新的協議,但是代表們星期一說他們抱有希望。
- Tanzania's Richard Muyungi said he thinks the countries can overcome the challenges of the debate.
- 坦尚尼亞代表穆永吉說,他認為各國能夠克服談判中的挑戰。
- Meanwhile, Bolivia's Diego Balanza said delegates have to move past the previous climate conference failures.
- 與此同時,玻利維亞代表巴蘭薩說,代表們必須超越過去氣候會議中的失敗。
- He said delegates must push to secure large commitments, which were not achieved by prior talks.
- 他說,各國代表必須努力確保做出重要承諾,在以往的會談中沒有取得這種成果。
- Previous efforts have focused on how to balance the responsibilities of developed nations with those of emerging and still-developing countries.
- 之前的談判重點是如何平衡發達國家與新興國家及發展中國家之間的責任比重。