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十一月份 第 19 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-11-29)------

  • Clinton Makes Landmark Visit to Burma This Week
  • 美國務卿本週歷史性訪問緬甸
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has begun a two-nation trip to Asia that includes the first visit to Burma by a U.S. secretary of state in 50 years.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯克林頓開始訪問兩個亞洲國家,其中對緬甸的訪問是美國國務卿 50 年以來的第一次。

  •   Clinton will stop in South Korea before traveling on to Burma. Her visit to the isolated country begins Wednesday.
  • 克林頓前往緬甸之前將在南韓停留;她將從星期三開始訪問緬甸這個被孤立的國家。

  •   U.S. President Barack Obama said earlier this month he was sending Clinton to Burma in response to what he called "flickers of progress" from the Burmese government, which ended decades of direct military rule in March when it brought in a nominally civilian parliament.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬本月早些時候說,他派遣克林頓前往緬甸是對緬甸政府取得的 “些許進步” 做出回應;緬甸今年 3 月結束了幾十年的軍人直接統治,並產生了名義上的文人議會。

  •   Mr. Obama cited steps by Burma to open a dialogue with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the release of some political prisoners and the opening of the political environment.
  • 歐巴馬指出緬甸採取措施與反對派領導人昂山素姬開啟對話,並釋放了一些政治犯,政治環境有所開放。

  •   Mr. Obama said Secretary Clinton will explore what the U.S. can do to support progress on political reform, human rights and national reconciliation in Burma.
  • 歐巴馬說,克林頓國務卿將探尋美國如何為緬甸的政治改革、人權和民族和解等進步提供支援。


  • (2011-11-29)------

  • China Urges Sudan, South Sudan to Resolve Oil Dispute
  • 中國敦促蘇丹、南蘇丹解決石油爭端
  •   China has called on Sudan and South Sudan to resolve a dispute that has blocked the flow of oil exports from the south.
  • 中國呼籲蘇丹和南蘇丹解決已阻礙南蘇丹石油出口的爭端。

  •   Beijing purchases nearly five percent of its total oil imports from South Sudan.
  • 北京的石油進口有將近 5 % 來自南蘇丹。

  •   A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman on Tuesday urged the two Sudans to exercise "restraint" and use a "flexible and pragmatic approach" to settle their differences.
  • 中國外交部的一位發言人星期二敦促蘇丹和南蘇丹保持 “克制”,並採用 “靈活務實的方式” 解決它們的分歧。

  •   Landlocked South Sudan relies on its northern neighbor's pipelines and port on the Red Sea to export oil.
  • 身處內陸的南蘇丹依賴北方鄰國蘇丹的石油管道和紅海港口出口石油。

  •   Sudan said it halted South Sudan's oil exports because the newly independent south owes $730 million in transit fees.
  • 蘇丹表示,它阻止南蘇丹石油出口的原因是這個新獨立的國家欠蘇丹 7 億 3 千萬美元的過境費。

  •   South Sudan has said Khartoum is charging transit and customs fees so high they amount to "economic war."
  • 南蘇丹表示,喀土穆收取的過境費和海關費用太高,等同於對它發起 “經濟戰”。

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