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一月份 第 15 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2012-01-24) ------

  • President Obama to Highlight Economic Goals in State of the Union
  • 歐巴馬總統國情咨文 經濟目標將成重點
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama will present his vision for the nation's economy when he delivers his annual State of the Union address Tuesday night before a joint session of the U.S. Congress.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬星期二晚間將在國會參眾兩院聯席會議上發表年度國情咨文講話,屆時,他將陳述他對全國經濟前景的看法。

  •   In a video released to his supporters days before the speech, Mr. Obama says he will unveil a blueprint for an economy "built to last," including new proposals for manufacturing, clean energy and education, all of which he says benefit the country's middle class.
  • 演講前幾天,歐巴馬在一段向支援者公佈的錄影中說,他將公佈經濟 “持久發展” 的計劃,包括為製造業、清潔能源以及教育等領域提出的新提議;他說,所有這些提議都將讓中產階級獲益。

  •   The president said the U.S is faced with two vastly different directions for the economy - "one towards less opportunity and less fairness," or an economy that "works for everyone, not just the wealthy few."
  • 歐巴馬總統說,美國目前正面臨兩種大相徑庭的發展方向,一種是 “走向更少的機會和更少的公平”,另一種是讓每個人收益,而不是僅讓少數富裕人士獲益。

  •   Mr. Obama is also using Tuesday's State of the Union address - the third of his presidency - as a blueprint for his 2012 re-election campaign, by highlighting the differences between himself and opposition Republicans.
  • 星期二的國情咨文講話也是歐巴馬 2012 年尋求連任的競選計劃,他將強調他與反對派共和黨人的區別;這是他擔任總統以來第三次發表國情咨文講話。


  • (2012-01-24) ------

  • Mitt Romney Releases Long Sought-After Tax Returns
  • 羅姆尼公佈一直被追討的繳稅記錄
  •   U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has released his federal tax records, showing he earned more than $42 million during the last two years and paid an estimated $6.2 million in taxes.
  • 美國共和黨總統參選人羅姆尼公佈了他的聯邦報稅記錄,顯示他在過去兩年的收入超過 4 千 200 萬美元,估計繳稅 620 萬美元。

  •   The records for Romney and his wife Ann, released by his campaign early Tuesday, put their tax rate at 13.9 percent in 2010, with an expected rate of 15.4 percent in 2011.
  • 羅姆尼的競選團隊星期二早晨公佈羅姆尼和妻子安羅姆尼的報稅記錄,顯示他們 2010 年的納稅率為 13.9 %,預計 2011 年的納稅率為 15.4 %。

  •   Romney's tax rate is far below that of other high-income earners because his most of his income comes from investments.
  • 羅姆尼的稅率遠低於其他高收入者;這是因為他的大部分收入來自於投資。

  •   Ordinary wage earners pay up to a top tax rate of 35 percent.
  • 美國普通薪水階層收入最的高稅率為 35 %。

  •   The records show most of Romney's income was earned on capital gains from various investments.
  • 記錄顯示,羅姆尼大部份收入來自各種投資的資本收益。

  •   The U.S. tax code places capital gains at a rate of 15 percent.
  • 美國稅法將資本收益的稅率定為 15 %。

  •   His personal net worth is believed to be between $190 million and $250 million - wealth built during his career running a private investment firm.
  • 他(羅姆尼) 的個人凈資產據信在 1.9 億美元到 2.5 億美元之間;他在經營一家私人投資公司期間積累起這筆財富。

  •   Romney's decision to release his tax records comes in the aftermath of his upset loss in last week's South Carolina primary election to former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who attacked Romney for his reluctance to release the records.
  • 羅姆尼在做出公佈繳稅記錄的決定之前,上星期在南卡羅來納州初選中意外敗給前眾議院議長金里奇;金里奇就羅姆尼不願公佈這一記錄對他進行攻擊。

  •   Romney's vast fortune will likely place the former Massachusetts governor in the middle of the growing debate over income inequality in America.
  • 前麻薩諸塞州州長羅姆尼的巨大財富可能讓他成為逐漸升溫的有關美國收入不平等爭論的眾矢之的。

  •   Critics say his private investment firm bought dozens of businesses and laid off employees, while making a profit for himself and his investors.
  • 批評者說,他的私人投資公司買下數十家公司並裁減員工,卻讓他自己和他的投資者謀利。

  •   The Romneys also made about $7 million in charitable contributions during the last two years, much of it to the Mormon Church, of which he is a prominent member.
  • 羅姆尼在過去兩年間還捐出了 700 萬美元的慈善捐款,大部分給了摩門教會;羅姆尼是著名的摩門教徒。

EPT 美語
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