《《 「美國習慣用語 - 420」目錄 》》
[A,B] [C,D,E] [F,G] [H,I,J,K,L] [M,N,O,P,Q] [R,S] [T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z]- 本目錄是依字母由A至Z順序排列,其左側之兩個數值是表示[第幾部 - 第幾課]。
- 點按以下任一「習慣用語」即會連結至該課程的網頁。
- [F]
- 10-09: fair and square
- 04-05: flea market
- 10-10: fair game
- 01-16: fly by the seat of one's pants
- 10-09: fair shake
- 01-15: fly off the handle
- 10-10: fair-haired boy
- 11-15: fly-by-night
- 12-13: fast friend
- 01-12: follow your nose
- 07-10: fat cat
- 08-08: foot in mouth disease
- 07-10: fat chance
- 01-01: foot the bill
- 07-09: fat farm
- 10-14: free and easy
- 04-15: favorite son
- 10-14: free-for-all
- 04-01: feast your eyes on
- 10-13: freelance
- 09-06: feather one's own nest
- 10-13: freeloader
- 11-01: fight fire with fire
- 12-10: from the word go
- 12-05: fill the shoes
- 10-12: front money
- 06-12: fish for compliments
- 07-01: full of beans
- 03-20: fish or cut bait
- 03-08: get a foot in the door
- 12-04: go full steam ahead
- 04-07: get a kick out of
- 12-02: go over like a lead balloon
- 09-04: get caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- 03-02: go overboard
- 03-04: get off on the wrong foot
- 03-01: go through hell or high water
- 05-20: get off one's back
- 05-09: go to the dogs
- 05-19: get on someone's back
- 11-10: go up in smoke
- 06-01: get one's back up
- 03-17: going banana
- 08-15: get the short end of the stick
- 12-01: gold mine
- 11-03: get to the bottom of something
- 12-01: gold rush
- 06-03: ghost town
- 04-20: golden parachute
- 06-04: ghost writer
- 12-05: goody two shoes
- 09-12: give me a break
- 06-20: goose bumps
- 01-01: give me a hand
- 06-06: grab a bite
- 05-02: give someone a piece of one's mind
- 01-02: greasy spoon
- 10-01: give someone the hook
- 02-11: green light
- 06-03: give up the ghost
- 02-11: green thumb
- 01-18: give you the shirt off his back
- 04-19: gridlock
- 03-01: go all out
- 11-14: grounded
- 10-02: go Dutch
- 06-06: grubstake
- 03-02: go for broke
- 07-12: grunt work