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2025.02.12 06:29
四月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-04-27) ------
- Grenade Attack in Indian Kashmir Wounds 14
- 印屬克什米爾榴彈攻擊十四傷
- Authorities in Indian Kashmir say at least 14 people were wounded when suspected Muslim separatists detonated a grenade at a tourist resort.
- 印屬克什米爾當局說,一名懷疑是回教徒分離分子的人在一個旅遊渡假地引爆一枚榴彈,造成至少14人受傷。
- The authorities say the attack occurred Thursday in Pahalgam, a popular pine forest resort south of Srinagar. The blast created panic among the tourists.
- 當局說,攻擊星期四發生在帕哈幹姆,這裡是斯利那加南部一個受歡迎的松樹林度假村.爆炸在遊客中引起恐慌。
- (2006-04-27) ------
- Iran Refuses to Give In Ahead of Deadline
- 伊朗最後期限前仍堅稱不屈服
- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says his country will not give in to pressure as the U.N. deadline for Iran to suspend sensitive nuclear work approaches.
- 隨著聯合國要求伊朗中止敏感的核項目的最後期限臨近,伊朗總統艾哈邁迪內賈德說,伊朗不會對壓力屈服。
- Speaking one day before the deadline, Ahmadinejad called international efforts to make Iran abandon its uranium enrichment program an injustice. He added that no one can take nuclear technology away from his country.
- 在最後期限的前一天,艾哈邁迪內賈德稱國際社會讓伊朗放棄濃縮鈾項目的努力不公正.他還說,沒有人能搶走伊朗的核技術。
- On Friday, the International Atomic Energy Agency is to present a report to the U.N. Security Council on Iran's compliance with demands to stop sensitive nuclear work.
- 國際原子能機構星期五將向聯合國安理會提交一份報告,匯報伊朗對聯合國要求其停止敏感性核活動的遵守情況。
- But Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that he believes the IAEA should deal with Iran, and not refer it to the Security Council where it could face possible sanctions.
- 但是俄羅斯總統普京星期四說,他相信應該由國際原子能機構來處理伊朗問題,而不是交由聯合國安理會,讓伊朗面臨可能的制裁。