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2025.02.12 05:01
四月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]
- (2007-04-26) ------
- Taiwan: St. Lucia to Resume Diplomatic Ties
- 台灣稱聖露西亞將恢復與台外交關係
- Taiwan officials say the Caribbean nation of St. Lucia has agreed to re-establish diplomatic ties with Taipei after a decade-long break.
- 台灣官員說,加勒比海島國聖露西亞同意和台灣恢復中斷了 10 年的外交關係。
- St. Lucia's foreign minister said Tuesday that the government strongly supports resuming relations with Taiwan, but did not say when.
- 聖露西亞外長星期二說,聖露西亞政府堅決支持和台灣恢復正式外交關係,但是沒有說什麼時候。
- China's foreign ministry warned St. Lucia today (Thursday) not to go ahead with the move and urged the Caribbean island to abide by its promise to respect Beijing's "one-China" principle.
- 中國外交部星期四警告聖露西亞不要採取這個行動,並呼籲聖露西亞遵守有關尊重北京「一個中國」政策的承諾。
- St. Lucia's former government established official ties with China in 1997, ending its recognition of Taiwan.
- 聖露西亞前政府 1997 年和台灣斷交,轉而承認中國大陸。
- Taiwan's foreign ministry says it is not pressuring St. Lucia to break ties with Beijing.
- 台灣外交部說,沒有向聖露西亞施加要其與北京斷絕關係的壓力。
- (2007-04-26) ------
- China Says It Will Not Withdraw Investment in Africa
- 中國稱不會撤回在非洲的投資
- Chinese officials say they are re-evaluating the safety of Chinese nationals in Africa after Ethiopian rebels killed 74 oil workers, including nine Chinese.
- 中國官員說,在衣索匹亞反政府武裝人員打死 74 名石油工人後,中國將對居住在非洲的中國公民的人身安全重新審核.襲擊事件中有 9 名中國人喪生。
- Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jinchao said Thursday a team of officials from the Chinese government and the targeted oil company are in Ethiopia to investigate Tuesday's attack in the eastern town of Abole.
- 中國外交部發言人劉建超星期四說,中國政府官員以及受到襲擊的石油公司的官員已經在衣索匹亞調查星期二發生在東部阿博拉鎮的襲擊事件。
- However, China says it will not withdraw investment from the African continent.
- 不過,中國表示不會撤回在非洲大陸的投資。
- The Chinese state oil company Sinopec says it will not pull out because of a fear of risk.
- 中國石油化工股份有限公司說,不會因為害怕風險就放棄在非洲的投資。
- An Ethiopian rebel group known as the Ogaden National Liberation Front says it attacked the workers because it objects to the exploitation of the region's mineral resources.
- 衣索匹亞的一個號稱「歐加登全國解放陣線」的反政府組織聲稱對這起攻擊事件負責.這個組織說,他們反對任何公司剝奪這個地區的礦物資源。