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2025.02.12 04:30
四月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
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- (2009-04-28) ------
- WHO Raises Pandemic Alert Level
- 世衛提高豬流感疫情警戒級別
- The World Health Organization has raised its pandemic alert level for the deadly swine flu virus, signaling that the infection is spreading among humans in community-level outbreaks.
- 世界衛生組織提高致命豬流感病毒的疫情警戒級別,顯示這種病毒正在社區中人與人之間擴散。
- Meanwhile, the death toll has risen in Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak.
- 與此同時,豬流感在墨西哥造成的死亡人數增多;這次疫情的中心在墨西哥。
- Mexican health officials said late Monday that 152 people are now believed to have died from swine flu, while 1,600 others have been sickened.
- 墨西哥衛生官員星期一晚間宣佈,據信豬流感已在墨西哥造成 152 人死亡, 1 千 600 人患病。
- A four-year-old boy in Veracruz state who was sick and tested positive for the virus is believed to be the earliest-known victim of the outbreak.
- 墨西哥韋拉克魯斯州被檢測出豬流感病毒呈陽性的一名 4 歲男童被認為是已知豬流感疫情爆發後最先染病的受害者。
- The updated death toll came hours after WHO officials raised its alert level (one step to Phase 4 -- two steps below the full-blown pandemic phase).
- 在公佈最新死亡人數的幾小時前,世衛組織官員將疫情警戒級別提高。
- But a WHO official says a pandemic is not a certainty.
- 但一名世衛組織官員說,並不一定會形成大規模流行疫情。
- At least 44 cases have been confirmed in the United States, including 11 in California.
- 美國已經有至少 44 人被證實感染了豬流感,包括 11 個人來自加利福尼亞州。
- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says many of the confirmed cases occurred along the southern border with Mexico.
- 州長施瓦辛格說,許多已經確認的病例發生在與墨西哥交界的南部地區。
- Israeli health officials say a 26-year-old man who recently returned from a trip to Mexico has tested positive for swine flu, in that country's first case of the virus.
- 以色列衛生官員說,最近從墨西哥返回的一名 26 歲男子的豬流感檢查結果呈陽性,這是以色列第一個感染豬流感病毒病例。
- The virus has been confirmed in Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Spain, while Australia, South Korea and France are investigating suspected cases of swine flu.
- 已經證實發現豬流感病例的其他國家包括英國、加拿大、紐西蘭和西班牙,澳大利亞、南韓和法國正在對疑似病例進行調查。
- (2009-04-28) ------
- Obama Tackles Range of Issues in First 100 Days
- 歐巴馬上任百天應對難題
- Wednesday (April 29th) marks U.S. President Barack Obama's 100th day in office.
- 星期三是美國總統歐巴馬上任的第 100 天。
- In that time, Mr. Obama has tackled a range of issues -- taking steps to reverse the global economic crisis, changing the U.S. approach to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, modifying detention and interrogation policies and working to improve U.S relations with the rest of the world.
- 100 天期間,歐巴馬總統著手應對了一系列需要解決的問題 -- 採取措施扭轉全球經濟危機、改變美國在伊拉克和阿富汗戰爭中的做法、修改拘留和審訊政策,並且致力於改善美國與世界各國的關係。
- Driven by a campaign message of "change," Mr. Obama reversed a number of policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush, within his first few weeks.
- 在總統競選諾言“改變”的驅動下,歐巴馬總統上任數週之內就改變了他的前任布希總統的若干政策。
- In one of his first acts as president, Mr. Obama pledged to close the controversial U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year.
- 歐巴馬做為總統最先採取的行動之一,就是承諾在一年之內將關閉有爭議的美軍在古巴關塔那摩灣的監獄。
- For the Iraq war, President Obama set a deadline of August 2010 for most U.S. troops to leave the country.
- 關於伊拉克戰爭,總統歐巴馬設定的最後期限是 2010 年 8 月底之前將大部分美軍撤離伊拉克。
- He also announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, pledging more U.S. forces to train the Afghan security forces.
- 他還宣佈了一項針對阿富汗和巴基斯坦的新戰略,保證有更多的美軍部隊參與訓練阿富汗的安全部隊。
- Meanwhile, as the housing and credit markets slumped and unemployment soared, Mr. Obama turned to Congress for billions of dollars to rescue failing banks.
- 與此同時,房屋和信貸市場的下滑以及失業劇增,歐巴馬總統尋求國會批准鉅額資金拯救陷於危機的銀行系統。
- He also pushed through a massive stimulus package, despite strong Republican opposition to the legislation.
- 他還推動了大規模經濟刺激計劃,儘管共和黨強烈反對有關立法。