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2025.02.12 05:58
四月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]
- (2008-04-25) ------
- Senior Taiwanese Politician to Meet Chinese President
- 台灣資深政界人士將會晤中國國家主席
- A senior Taiwanese politician has arrived in China where he is expected to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao.
- 台灣一名資深政界人士抵達中國大陸,預計將會晤中國國家主席胡錦濤。
- China's official Xinhua news agency reports that Lien Chan, the honorary chairman of Taiwan's Nationalist Party, arrived in Beijing today (Monday) for what is being called a private visit.
- 中國官方新華社報導說,台灣國民黨名譽主席連戰今天(星期一)抵達北京進行所稱的私人訪問。
- Lien Chan is traveling with his wife, business leaders and former politicians.
- 隨同連戰訪問的有他的妻子、商界領袖和前政界人士。
- In addition to Beijing, Lien will visit Chongqing (Sichuan province) and Wuhan (Hubei province) for sightseeing.
- 訪問北京後,連戰還將前往重慶(四川省)和武漢(湖北省)觀光。
- His visit comes a little more than a month after the Nationalist Party won the presidential election in Taiwan.
- 在他的這次訪問的一個多月前,國民黨贏得台灣總統選舉。
- President-elect Ma Ying-jeou supports stronger business and transportation ties with China.
- 台灣當選總統馬英九支援與中國大陸加強經貿和三通關係。
- Since the March election, hopes have been running high in Taiwan that the two sides may be able to put aside their political differences and boost economic ties.
- 3 月選舉以來,在台灣,對兩岸或許能夠把政治分歧放在一邊,促進經濟往來的期待高漲。
- (2008-04-25) ------
- US Aircraft Carrier Kitty Hawk Docks in Hong Kong
- 美「小鷹號」航空母艦停靠香港
- The U.S. aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk docked in Hong Kong today (Monday) for the first time since Beijing canceled a visit last November.
- 美國航空母艦「小鷹號」今天(星期一)在香港停泊,自從北京去年 11 月取消「小鷹號」訪港以來,這是首次訪問香港。
- U.S. Rear Admiral Richard Wren said that while the November episode was a disappointment, he was delighted to be back.
- 美國海軍少將雷恩說,去年 11 月發生的事令人失望,不過,他為這次重返香港感到高興。
- He said the United States is still not completely satisfied with China's explanation of why the USS Kitty Hawk was denied entry in November.
- 他表示,美國仍然不完全滿意中國對去年 11 月拒絕「小鷹號」進入香港所做的解釋。
- Beijing says it denied the Kitty Hawk entry to Hong Kong because it had not followed correct procedures and did not have proper clearances.
- 北京說,當時拒絕「小鷹號」進入香港,是因為「小鷹號」沒有遵循正確的程序,而且沒有獲得正常核准。