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二月份 第 20 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [14][13][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2012-02-28) ------

  • UN Rights Chief Urges Cease-Fire as Syria Death Toll
  • 聯合國人權事務主管敦促敘利亞停火
  •   The United Nations human rights chief has called for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Syria, as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad killed dozens more people in attacks on rebellious areas.
  • 聯合國人權事務高級專員皮萊呼籲敘利亞立即實現人道停火;與此同時,效忠總統阿薩德的部隊在對反政府區域的殲滅性攻擊中又打死數十人。

  •   Rights groups say government troops killed at least 41 civilians Tuesday throughout Syria, including 20 in an assault on the central protest hub of Helfaya.
  • 人權組織說,政府軍星期二在敘利亞各地打死了至少 41 名平民,抗議中心城市哈馬附近中部城鎮哈勒法耶有 20 人被打死。

  •   Opposition sources in the besieged city of Homs told Reuters that tanks from the Syrian army's elite Fourth Division, controlled by Mr. Assad's brother, Maher, had moved onto the streets.
  • 被圍困的霍姆斯市的反對派人士在接受路透社採訪時說,敘利亞總統阿薩德的兄弟馬希爾控制的精銳第四師的坦克已經進入街道。

  •   In Geneva, Navi Pillay told the U.N. Human Rights Council the international community must take action to prevent Syrian troops from continuing to assault civilians.
  • 在日內瓦,聯合國人權事務高級專員皮萊在聯合國人權理事會上說,國際社會必須採取行動,阻止敘利亞部隊繼續對平民發動攻擊。

  •   Syria's ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva ((Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui)) walked out of the meeting.
  • 敘利亞駐聯合國大使哈姆維起身離開會議以示抗議。

  •   Council members are expected to condemn Syria Tuesday for its "brutal" use of heavy weapons in residential areas and persecuting opponents, its fourth such rebuke to Mr. Assad since the uprising began last March.
  • 人權理事會在星期二預計會譴責敘利亞在居民區和追剿反對派時,“殘暴” 使用重型武器;這是該機構自敘利亞去年三月舉行起義以來,第四次譴責阿薩德。

  •   The United Nations said Tuesday that "well over 7,500 people" have been killed in Syria during the government crackdown, raising its previous estimated death toll by more than 2,000.
  • 聯合國星期二還說,在政府鎮壓期間,敘利亞有 “超過 7500 人” 死亡,這比先前估計的死亡人數高出 2 千多人。

  •   U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe told the Security Council that "credible reports" say the death toll now often exceeds 100 civilians a day, "including many women and children."
  • 聯合國負責政治事務的副秘書長帕斯科在安理會會議上表示,“有可靠的報道” 說,現在的死亡人數經常是每天超過 100 人,“包括許多婦女和兒童”。

  •   Syrian officials insist the government is fighting foreign-backed armed "terrorists."
  • 敘利亞官員一直堅持說,政府是在打擊外國資助的武裝 “恐怖分子”。


  • (2012-02-28) ------

  • China Laments Oscar Snub of Christian Bale Epic
  • 《金陵十三釵》衝奧失敗 中官媒嘆息
  •   China's state media are bemoaning the failure of the nation's most ambitious movie to make an impact at this year's Academy Awards.
  • 中國最雄心勃勃的電影沒能在今年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上有所作為,中國官方媒體紛紛對此表示惋惜。

  •   The Communist Party-affiliated Global Times newspaper laments on its website Tuesday that Chinese dreams of taking home a golden statuette have once again "been shattered."
  • 中國共產黨下屬的《環球時報》星期二在其網站上感嘆,中國捧回 “小金人” 的夢想再次 “被擊碎”。

  •   The newspaper notes that Hollywood's film community failed even to nominate The Flowers of War, which is set against the 1937 Nanjing massacre and is considered the most expensive Chinese movie ever made.
  • 《環球時報》說,好萊塢電影界甚至沒有將《金陵十三釵》這部 “被認為有史以來製作費用最高” 的中國電影列入提名。《金陵十三釵》以 1937 年南京大屠殺為背景。

  •   Starring British actor Christian Bale and directed by Zhang Yimou - known for such films as Raise the Red Lantern - the movie was deliberately designed to bridge the gap between Chinese and Western audiences.
  • 這部電影由英國演員克里斯蒂安‧貝爾主演,執導《大紅燈籠高高掛》等電影而聞名的張藝謀擔任導演;影片有意彌合中西方觀眾之間的差異。

  •   Global Times points out that many Chinese have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard Chinese filmmakers try, they will never be able to cater to Western tastes.
  • 《環球時報》指出,很多中國人得出結論,不管中國的電影人多麼努力,他們永遠也無法適應西方人的口味。

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