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九月份 第 13 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-09-20)------

  • Obama Outlines Deficit Plan; Republicans Reject it
  • 歐巴馬宣佈減赤計劃 共和黨反對
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama announced his deficit reduction plan Monday, but congressional Republicans quickly rejected the proposal.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬星期一宣佈了所有削減赤字計劃,但是國會共和黨人迅速予以拒絕。

  •   In a White House speech, Mr. Obama called on all Americans, including the wealthy and corporations, to pay a "fair share" of the cost of government.
  • 歐巴馬星期一在白宮的講話中呼籲所有美國人,包括富人和企業,為政府開支承當 “公平的份額”。

  •   He threatened to veto any proposal that cut medical care for the elderly unless it also raises taxes on the wealthy. Mr. Obama declared, "This is not class warfare. It's math."
  • 他還威脅將否決任何削減老人健保計劃的提議,除非這個提議同時建議向富人增稅;歐巴馬宣稱,“這不是階級鬥爭,而是數字問題。”

  •   The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Republican John Boehner, says the president's plan pits one group of Americans against another.
  • 國會眾議院議長、共和黨人約翰‧貝納說,總統的計劃將一群美國人與另一群美國人對立。

  •   Republicans have said higher taxes hurt investment and economic growth.
  • 共和黨人一直表示,增稅將妨害投資和經濟增長。

  •   They want deficit reduction to come entirely by cutting spending, including the cost of pension and health care programs for the elderly and poor, called Social Security and Medicare.
  • 他們希望完全通過削減開支來削減赤字,包括削減政府退休金和給老人和窮人的健保計劃,例如社會保險和老人醫療保險等。

  •   President Obama proposed higher taxes on the wealthy, cuts in some social programs and less military spending in a package intended to reduce the huge U.S. debt by another $3 trillion over 10 years.
  • 歐巴馬總統提出對富人徵收更多的稅,削減部分社會福利計劃和削減軍費所有計劃,以便未來十年將美國的鉅額債務減少 3 萬億美元。

  •   The president proposed $1.5 trillion in taxes, including a provision that some individuals earning more than $1 million a year no longer be allowed to pay taxes at a lower rate than middle-income Americans.
  • 總統提出增加 1.5 萬億美元的稅收,包括一些年收入 100 萬美元以上的個人所得稅稅率不得低於美國中產階級稅率的條款。

  •   He also calls for allowing Bush era tax cuts to expire by the end of 2012, which would end certain tax cuts for families making more than $250,000 a year.
  • 他還呼籲在 2012 年年底結束給布希政府時期對年收入 25 萬美元以上的家庭實施的減稅措施。

  •   Mr. Obama also says he can eventually save $1 trillion by bringing American troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • 歐巴馬還表示,把在伊拉克和阿富汗的美軍撤回國,最終會節省 1 萬億美元。


  • (2011-09-20)------

  • South Korean Envoy Arrives in Beijing For Nuclear Talks
  • 南韓特使抵達北京參加核問題會談
  •   South Korea's nuclear negotiator says he expects to discuss the dismantling of North Korea's nuclear programs during talks on Wednesday with his North Korean counterpart.
  • 南韓核問題談判代表魏聖洛說,他期望在星期三的會談期間與朝鮮方面的談判人員討論拆除朝鮮核項目問題。

  •   Wi Sung-lac described his priorities Tuesday after arriving in Beijing for the meeting with North Korea's Ri Yong Ho.
  • 魏聖洛星期二抵達北京後闡述了他在與朝鮮代表李榮浩會晤時的重點。

  •   He said the negotiators would also discuss other issues that were raised during a previous round of talks in Indonesia.
  • 魏聖洛說,談判代表們可能還會討論此前在印尼的一輪會談時提出的其他一些問題。

  •   Those talks, held on the sidelines of an international security conference, were the first in more than two years between the two sides.
  • 在一個國際安全會議期間舉行的那一輪會談是雙方兩年多的第一次。

  •   They raised hopes that a reduction in tensions could clear the way for a resumption of six-nation negotiations on North Korea's nuclear programs.
  • 會談使人們產生希望,緩解緊張關係可能為重啟有關朝鮮核項目的六方會談掃清障礙。


EPT 美語
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