現在線上人數 110人
2025.02.12 05:19
四月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]
- (2006-04-24) ------
- Egypt Detains Eight Suspects of Series of Bombings at Resort
- 埃及拘留系列爆炸八嫌犯
- Egyptian authorities say at least eight people have been detained in connection with bombing attacks that police now say killed 18 people late Monday in the Egyptian resort city of Dahab.
- 埃及當局說,已經拘留了至少 8 名涉嫌星期一晚間發生在埃及度假城市宰海卜爆炸事件的嫌疑人;警方說,爆炸造成 18 人死亡。
- Speaking Tuesday, an Egyptian Interior Ministry spokesman said six foreigners and 12 Egyptians were killed, revising an earlier death toll of 23.
- 埃及內政部發言人星期二說,6 名外國人和 12 名埃及人被炸死,修改了早些時候的 23 人死亡的說法。
- He said 62 people were wounded in the almost simultaneous explosions, which ripped through a crowded promenade of shops, restaurants and bars.
- 他說,在幾乎同時發生的幾起爆炸中,還有 62 人受傷。爆炸發生在一個商店、餐館和酒吧的擁擠場所。
- (2006-04-24) ------
- Series of Attacks in Baghdad Kill 14, Wound 80
- 巴格達系列攻擊十四死八十傷
- A series of car bombs and shootings in Baghdad killed at least 14 Iraqis Monday and wounded more than 80 others.
- 伊拉克首都巴格達星期一遭受一連串汽車炸彈攻擊和槍擊造成至少 14 人死亡,80 多人受傷。
- Seven car bombs exploded in the capital and killed at least eight people. Another six Iraqis were killed in shootings.
- 巴格達發生 7 枚汽車炸彈爆炸,炸死至少 8 人,另有 6 名伊拉克人被槍擊身亡。
- The bombs went off near the Ministry of Health, a university and other parts of the city.
- 炸彈爆炸地點分別在衛生部附近、一所大學以及城市的其他地方。
- Earlier Monday, the trial of Saddam Hussein and seven co-defendants briefly resumed to hear from handwriting experts who linked Saddam to the killing of more than 140 Shi'ites in the village of Dujail in 1982.
- 星期一早些時候,對薩達姆.侯賽因以及 7 名同案被告的審判重新開庭.法庭聽取了筆跡專家的證詞,專家認定薩達姆與 1982 年殺死杜傑勒村的 140 多名什葉派穆斯林有關。
- The court then adjourned until May 15th.
- 法庭隨後休庭到 5 月 15 號。