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2025.02.12 04:55
四月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-04-22) ------
- Two Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Fight Disbarment
- 中國兩名維權律師面臨吊銷執照
- Two Chinese human rights lawyers who defended Falun Gong practitioners are now fighting efforts to have their licenses to practice law revoked.
- 兩名為法輪功成員辯護的中國維權律師有可能被當局吊銷律師執照。
- Tang Jitian and Liu Wei attended a hearing Thursday on charges of disrupting order in a court and interfering with judicial procedures.
- 律師唐吉田和劉巍星期四參加了對他們的行政處罰聽證會,他們被控擾亂法庭秩序,干擾訴訟活動正常進行。
- The lawyers face permanent disbarment over the charges.
- 如果罪名成立,他們將面臨終身被吊銷律師執照。
- The accusations are related to a hearing last year in which the lawyers defended a member of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.
- 對兩人的指控與去年他們為一名法輪功成員辯護的聽證會有關。
- During that trial, both lawyers walked out of the courtroom to protest what they said was judicial meddling.
- 這兩名律師在去年的庭審中退庭,以抗議他們所說的司法干預。
- Rights groups say the case is part of a larger effort by China to clamp down on lawyers who take on human rights cases.
- 人權組織說,這宗訴訟是中國試圖打壓維權律師的一個例證。
- China has banned the practice of Falun Gong since 1999 after practitioners staged a protest around China's Communist Party headquarters.
- 自 1999 年法輪功成員在北京中南海周圍舉行抗議活動以來,法輪功就遭到取締。
- (2010-04-22) ------
- Obama: Fix Financial System or Risk Another Meltdown
- 歐巴馬:若不金融改革,可能重蹈覆轍
- U.S. President Barack Obama says the United States must craft better rules to govern its financial system, or risk another financial crisis.
- 美國總統歐巴馬說,美國必須制定更好的監管其金融系統的規定,否則會重蹈覆轍。
- He said the financial meltdown cost millions of jobs, trillions of dollars and wrecked the dreams of families and small businesses across the nation.
- 他說,金融崩潰的代價是幾百萬工作的喪生,數千億美元的損失,和美國人及小公司夢想的破滅。
- The president spoke Thursday in New York City, a short distance from the most important financial district in the United States.
- 歐巴馬星期四在紐約市發表演講,地點就在美國最重要的金融區華爾街不遠的地方。
- Mr. Obama urged key financial executives in his audience to stop "furious efforts" to lobby Congress and block reforms that the president says will help Wall Street as well as ordinary people.
- 歐巴馬敦促聽眾中主要金融機構的高級管理人員停止遊說國會,阻止改革。
- He said reforms must include consumer protection, limits on how large banks can grow and how much risk they can take, as well as changes in the way executives are paid.
- 他說,這些改革將幫助華爾街和美國大眾;他還說,改革必須包括消費者保護,限制銀行的規模和風險,以及改變高級管理人員的薪酬方式。
- The president also urged more public disclosure of the details of trading derivatives.
- 歐巴馬還敦促更多地公佈買賣金融衍生性產品的詳細情況。
- Those are the complex financial deals that sometimes went sour and are blamed for much of the financial crisis.
- 金融衍生性產品的交易錯綜複雜,經常會導致虧損,並在很大程度上導致了這場金融危機。