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2025.02.12 06:17
四月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
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- (2007-04-23) ------
- Japanese Lawmakers Visit Yasukuni Shrine
- 日本議員參拜靖國神社
- A large group of Japanese lawmakers has visited a controversial war shrine in Tokyo, but Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not join them.
- 日本多名國會議員在東京參拜了具有爭議的靖國神社,但是首相安倍晉三不在其列。
- The lawmakers paid tribute to Japan's war dead Monday at the Yasukuni Shrine's spring festival.
- 這些議員星期一參加了靖國神社的春季祭祀活動,悼念戰爭亡靈。
- China and South Korea say the shrine glorifies Japan's military atrocities in the region during World War Two.
- 中國和韓國說,靖國神社美化了日本在二次世界大戰期間的暴行。
- They have asked Mr. Abe to refrain from visiting it.
- 他們要求安倍晉三不要參拜靖國神社。
- Mr. Abe's predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi angered Japan's Asian neighbors by his repeated visits to the shrine.
- 安倍的前任小泉純一郎曾因多次參拜靖國神社而激怒了日本的亞洲鄰國。
- Mr. Abe says he will show respect and pray for those who sacrificed their lives for Japan.
- 安倍晉三說,他將向那些為日本犧牲的人致敬,並為他們祈禱。
- But he has not said whether he will visit the shrine while in office.
- 但是他沒有說明在擔任首相期間是否會參拜靖國神社。
- (2007-04-23) ------
- China to Stockpile Oil for Emergencies
- 中國擬儲存石油應對緊急情況
- Chinese state media say China plans to stockpile oil in case of emergencies, but will rely more heavily on clean power generated by wind and sun.
- 中國國營媒體報導,中國計劃儲存石油以應對緊急情況,但是將加強對風能和太陽能等清潔能源的使用。
- The "China Daily" reports Monday that China aims to store about 30 days worth of oil imports by 2010.
- 中國日報星期一報導說,中國的目標是在 2010 年之前儲存相當於大約 30 天的石油進口量。
- The newspaper quotes Chen Mingde, the vice-chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission as saying that Beijing considers nuclear power a transitional replacement for part of the country's heavy reliance on coal and oil.
- 報導援引中國國家發展和改革委員會副主任陳明德的談說,北京考慮在過渡時期以核能來部份取代中國目前所依賴的煤炭和石油。
- But he says nuclear power is not a long-term solution for China's energy needs because the world's uranium stores are limited and it is difficult to properly dispose of nuclear waste.
- 但是他說,核能對中國來說並不是一個長遠的解決辦法,因為全世界金屬鈾的儲藏量有限,而且如何妥善處理核廢料也是一個難題。