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2025.02.12 05:51
四月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2011-04-25) ------
- Syria Rolls Tanks Into Cities as Security Crackdown Kills At Least 18
- 敘利亞部隊坦克進城 安全鎮壓至少 18 人死
- At least 18 people are reported dead as Syrian troops and tanks rolled into the protest flashpoint town of Daraa on Monday, drawing international criticism.
- 星期一,敘利亞軍隊和坦克開進政府抗議集中的德拉市,據報導至少 18 人死亡,引來國際批評。
- Witnesses and human rights activists in southern Syria reported the casualties as Syrian authorities widen their crackdown on a 5-week anti-government uprising.
- 敘利亞南部的目擊者和人權活動人士披露了傷亡人數;與此同時,敘利亞當局正在擴大鎮壓已經持續了 5 周的反政府起義。
- The witnesses said they saw bodies in a car that had been attacked by security forces in Daraa.
- 目擊者說,他們看到在德拉的一輛車裏有被安全部隊襲擊致死的屍體。
- Video footage distributed by human rights groups shows tanks in the city along with dozens of soldiers.
- 人權組織分發的視頻畫面顯示,城裏有坦克和數十名士兵。
- Rights groups also reported gunfire from security forces in Douma, a suburb of the capital, Damascus.
- 人權組織也報告說,在首都大馬士革郊區的杜馬也有安全部隊開槍。
- U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay demanded that Syria curtail its military crackdown and investigate the killings of protesters.
- 聯合國人權事務高級專員皮萊要求敘利亞遏制軍事鎮壓,調查抗議者被打死的事件。
- The U.S. condemned the violence against Syrian citizens, calling it "completely deplorable."
- 美國譴責這起針對敘利亞民眾的暴力事件,稱其 “令人十分震驚”。
- A National Security Council spokesman says the U.S. is considering a range of responses to the brutal crackdown, including targeted sanctions, to make clear that Syria's behavior is "unacceptable."
- 美國國家安全委員會的一名女發言人說,美國正在考慮針對這次殘酷鎮壓作出一系列回應,包括定向制裁,以明確顯示敘利亞的行為是 “不可接受的”。
- (2011-04-25) ------
- Dozens Missing After DR Congo Boat Capsizes
- 剛果渡船傾覆 數十人失蹤
- Officials say at least 72 people are missing after a boat capsized on Lake Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
- 有關官員說,位於剛果民主共和國東部的基伍湖發生翻船事故,至少 72 人失蹤。
- The boat was carrying an estimated 80 people when it overturned. Local ship owners say a few survivors were pulled from the waters.
- 這艘船在出事時載有 80人;當地船主說,有一些生還者被救起。
- The ship was reported to be traveling from the town of Minova to the city of Bukavu, the capital of South Kivu province.
- 據報道,這艘船當時正從米諾瓦鎮駛向南基伍省會布卡武市。
- Authorities say bad weather may have caused the vessel to overturn.
- 有關當局說,惡劣天氣可能導致此次翻船。
- Boat accidents are relatively common in Congo, where there are few paved roads and many people use waterways for transportation.
- 渡船發生意外在剛果比較普遍,剛果公路很少,許多人使用水路作為交通方式。
- The industry is poorly regulated, and often the boats are overcrowded and in disrepair.
- 輪渡業管理不善,船隻經常超載,並且維修很差。