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2025.02.12 05:48
四月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-04-23) ------
- China Denies Hacking US Fighter-Jet Files
- 中國否認駭客竊取美國戰機 - 噴氣發動機資料
- China has denied a U.S. newspaper report that computer spies possibly operating in China stole information related to the U.S. Joint Strike Fighter project.
- 中國否認美國報紙一篇有關可能在中國活動的電腦間諜竊取有關美國聯合攻擊戰鬥機項目資訊的報導。
- Chinese Foreign Minister spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in a regular briefing Thursday that, in her words, "Some people keep making up stories. I don't know what their intention is."
- 中國外交部女發言人姜瑜在星期四的例行記者會上說,一些人不斷在編造故事,她不知道這些人的目的何在。
- Jiang said China is "resolutely" opposed to so-called cyber crimes and has cracked down on such crimes, including hacking.
- 姜瑜說,中國堅決反對所謂的網路犯罪,並一直取締包括駭客侵入在內的這類犯罪行為。
- She was responding to the latest report on acts of computer espionage originating in China.
- 她對最近有關來自中國的電腦間諜活動的報導做出反應。
- The "Wall Street Journal" this week said spies used the Internet to break into a computer system containing information about the $300 billion jet project.
- 華爾街日報本星期說,間諜利用互聯網侵入存有這個 3 千億美元噴氣機項目資訊的電腦系統。
- Current and former government officials told the newspaper that the attack appeared to originate in China.
- 現任和前任政府官員對華爾街日報說,這一駭客入侵看來是源自中國。
- (2009-04-23) ------
- US Jobless Claims Soar; Homes Prices Sink
- 美國失業申請激增;房價降低
- Hopes that the worst might be over for the U.S. economy are fading in light of the latest data on jobs and home sales.
- 有關就業和住房銷售的最新數據公佈後,認為美國經濟的最糟階段可能已經過去的希望又開始暗淡。
- A report from U.S. Labor Department says initial claims for unemployment insurance jumped last week (to 640,000), while the number of Americans continuing to apply for jobless benefits jumped to 6.1 million, setting a record for a 12th week in a row.
- 美國勞工部發表的報告說,首次申請失業保險的人數上星期增長,同時繼續申請失業救濟的美國人數增加到 610 萬,連續 12 個星期打破記錄。
- Meanwhile, an industry group says homes sales plunged three percent from February to March.
- 與此同時,一個行業組織說,3 月份的住房銷售比 2 月份下跌 3 %。
- The National Association of Realtors also said Thursday that median homes prices are down 12 percent from a year ago and that about half of all homes sold belonged to owners who were having trouble paying back their home loans.
- 全國房地產經紀人協會星期四說,住房中位價格比一年前下降 12 %,大約一半售出的住房的房主面臨償付房屋貸款有困難。