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2025.02.12 06:50
四月份 第 16 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2012-04-20) ------
- “Very Fragile” Syrian Cease-Fire Eroding
- 敘利亞 “脆弱的” 停火逐步瓦解
- Syrian activists report government forces are pounding a rebel-held section of the central city of Homs.
- 敘利亞活動人士報告說,政府軍在炮擊中部城市霍姆斯被反政府武裝占據的一個地區。
- The latest violence to grip a nation already losing its hold on an ever shakier cease-fire.
- 這是敘利亞發生的最新暴力事件;該國脆弱的停火協議正在逐漸失效。
- The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says Syrian forces are bombarding the Khaldiyeh neighborhood in Homs with mortar rounds, reporting explosions every five minutes.
- 總部位於英國的敘利亞人權了望台表示,敘利亞軍隊在用迫擊炮轟炸霍姆斯的哈地亞街區,說爆炸每 5 分鐘發生一次。
- The group also says gunfire is echoing through the streets of Qusair, near the border with Lebanon and that government reinforcements are on their way to help.
- 該組織還說,槍聲回盪在靠近黎巴嫩邊境的卡塞爾的街道,同時敘利亞政府的增援部隊正在前往這裏的途中。
- Friday's violence is the latest in a series of clashes that have erupted since the United Nations-brokered truce went into effect last week.
- 自從聯合國斡旋的停火協議上週生效後,星期五的暴力事件是最近爆發的一系列衝突中最新的一起。
- And in Geneva Friday, a spokesman for international envoy Kofi Annan warned the situation was becoming more dire.
- 星期五在日內瓦,國際特使安南的發言人艾哈邁德‧法齊警告說,局勢正在變得更加嚴峻。
- Ahmad Fawzi called the cease-fire "very fragile," describing the situation as "not good."
- 法齊說,停火狀態 “非常脆弱”;他把局勢形容為 “不好”。
- Fawzi also expressed hope that the remaining members of a U.N. team of monitors would soon be in place.
- 法齊還表示希望聯合國觀察團其他的成員盡快到位。
- Meanwhile, concerns that diplomatic efforts and more peacekeepers will fall short are growing.
- 同時,有關外交努力和增派維和人員都不足以對付敘利亞局面的擔憂日益增加。
- French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe reiterated Friday the world cannot afford to wait much longer for the cease-fire and peace plan that Annan put forward to take root, warning Syria is on the verge of descending into civil war.
- 法國外長朱佩星期五重申,世界各國承擔不起讓安南提出的和平計劃和停火發生作用而等待更長時間的代價;他警告說,敘利亞處於陷入內戰的邊緣。
- China, which has blocked stronger U.N. action against the Syrian regime, said it was ready to do more to uphold the truce - saying it is willing to contribute observers to the U.N. mission.
- 此前否決了聯合國對敘利亞政權採取更為強硬行動的中國表示,它已準備好為維持停火而做出更多的努力,說它願意向聯合國使團派遣觀察員。
- On Thursday, U .S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for tough U.N. sanctions to be imposed on Syria if it fails to implement the peace plan.
- 星期四,美國國務卿克林頓呼籲,如果敘利亞未能實施和平計劃,聯合國應該對敘利亞採取強硬的制裁措施。
- (2012-04-20) ------
- Defiant North Korea Holds Anti-South Rally
- 朝鮮舉行反韓集會 威脅發動 “聖戰”
- Tens of thousands of North Koreans gathered in Pyongyang's central square on Friday to protest South Korea's government, which has been sharply critical of the North's failed rocket launch last week.
- 數以萬計的朝鮮民眾星期五聚集在平壤中心廣場,抗議韓國政府強烈批評朝鮮上週失敗的火箭發射一事。
- State television footage showed a massive crowd of soldiers and civilians waving their fists and chanting slogans against South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, as a giant picture stood in the middle of the crowd depicting the leader's throat being slit.
- 朝鮮國家電視台的畫面顯示,大批士兵和民眾揮舞著拳頭,高呼反對韓國總統李明博的口號;人群中間擺放著李明博的喉嚨被撕裂的一幅巨幅照片。
- North Korea has threatened to wage a "sacred war" against President Lee's government unless he apologizes for suggesting last week that Pyongyang would rather spend millions of dollars on weapons than on food for its poverty-stricken population.
- 朝鮮威脅對李明博政府發動 “聖戰”,除非李明博就上週的言論道歉;李明博暗示,平壤寧願花費數百萬美元製造武器,而不願為貧困人民提供糧食。
- On Thursday, the North's official Korean Central News Agency quoted space agency officials as saying Pyongyang will continue to launch the satellites "one after another," disregarding international condemnation of its failed launch.
- 星期四,朝鮮官方的朝中社援引太空署官員的話說,不管國際社會如何譴責其失敗的發射,朝鮮將繼續 “一個接一個” 地把衛星送入太空。
- The defiant statement said scientists have already discovered what caused the rocket to fail barely a minute into its flight last Friday.
- 這份挑釁性的聲明說,科學家們已經發現了導致上週五火箭發射後僅一分鐘就失敗的原因。
- But it did not give a time frame for its next rocket launch.
- 但聲明中沒有提供下次發射火箭的時間。