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2025.01.18 14:25
十月份 第 08 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-10-10)------
- Canada's Alice Munro Wins 2013 Nobel Literature Prize
- 加拿大作家愛麗絲‧門羅獲諾貝爾文學獎
- Canadian short story writer Alice Munro has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In announcing its decision Thursday, the Swedish Academy called the 82-year-old author the "master of the contemporary short story."
- 加拿大短篇小說家愛麗絲‧門羅(Alice Munro)榮獲 2013 年諾貝爾文學獎;瑞士諾貝爾獎委員會星期四宣佈這項決定時稱 82 歲的門羅是 “當代短篇小說大師”。
- Munro began writing in her teens, and published many collections of stories over the decades. She has won numerous literary prizes, including the Governor General's prize, Canada's highest literary honor. The Nobel is likely to be the capstone of her career.
- 門羅 1931 年生於安大略省溫格姆鎮,不到 20 歲即開始寫小說,幾十年來發表了多部小說集,並多次獲獎,其中包括加拿大的最高文學獎 “總督獎”。
- She said earlier this year that she was "probably not going to write anymore."
- 諾貝爾文學獎很可能是門羅事業的頂點,她今年早些時候表示可能不會再寫作了。
- Munro is the 13th woman to win the Literature prize.
- 愛麗絲‧門羅是獲得諾貝爾文學獎的第 13 位女性。
- She said she hoped the award "would make people see the short story as an important art; not just something you played around with until you get a novel written."
- 她說,希望她的獲獎會讓人們看到短篇小說是個重要的藝術,並不是長篇小說創作前的練筆。
- The Nobel announcements continue Friday with the Peace Prize.
- 諾貝爾獎委員會星期五將公佈今年的諾貝爾和平獎得主。
- (2013-10-10)------
- Pakistan's Malala Yousafzai Wins Sakharav Prize
- 巴基斯坦少女馬拉拉榮獲歐洲最高人權獎
- The European Union has awarded its top human rights prize to Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted for a Taliban attack for her efforts to promote education for women.
- 歐洲聯盟將歐洲最高人權獎頒發給巴基斯坦維權少女馬拉拉‧尤薩法扎伊;馬拉拉因為婦女爭取受教育的權利而遭到塔利班武裝份子的槍擊。
- European Union lawmakers announced the winner of the $65,000 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought Thursday in Brussels.
- 歐盟星期四在布魯塞爾宣佈把鼓勵思想自由的 “薩哈羅夫獎” 頒發給馬拉拉;獎金為 6 萬 5 千美元。
- Malala was 11 when she became an activist for women's education, freedom, and self-determination in Pakistan's Swat Valley, where women were banned by the Taliban from attending school in 2009.
- 馬拉拉 11 歲時就成為活動人士,呼籲巴基斯坦斯瓦特河谷地區提倡婦女自由以及女性受教育和自決的權利;2009 年當地的塔利班禁止女孩上學讀書。
- She began a blog, writing under a pseudonym, and quickly became a prominent voice for women's rights.
- 馬拉拉開始寫部落格,以筆名撰文,很快成為維護女性權利的突出聲音。
- She survived a nearly fatal Taliban assassination attempt while riding a school bus in 2012 and underwent multiple surgeries in Britain to remove a bullet to the neck and alleviate the swelling of her brain.
- 2012 年她在校車上遭到塔利班武裝份子幾乎是致命的槍擊;後來她在英國接受多次手術,去除了頸部的一顆子彈,並通過手術減輕腦部腫脹。
- Since then, she has remained in Britain but resumed her activism, addressing the United Nations in July and publishing a memoir earlier this week, on the first anniversary of her attack.
- 她雖此後一直住在英國,但恢復了維權活動;她今年 7 月在聯合國發表演講,並在本週早些時候她被槍擊一週年的時候出版了回憶錄。