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七月份 第 05 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-07-07)------

  • Obama Outlines Vision of Common Goals Between US, Russia
  • 歐巴馬描繪美俄共同目標
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama is winding up a two-day summit in Moscow, stressing the common goals and interests that the United States and Russia share.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬結束在莫斯科的兩天首腦會晤,強調美國和俄羅斯有許多共同目標和利益。

  •   In an address to students at Moscow's New Economic School Tuesday, Mr. Obama stressed the importance of reversing the spread of nuclear weapons and defeating violent extremists.
  • 歐巴馬星期二在向莫斯科新經濟學院的學生發表演講時強調制止核武器擴散和打擊暴力極端主義分子的重要性。

  •   The president reaffirmed his goal of resetting relations with Moscow, and stressed that the U.S. wants a "strong, peaceful and prosperous Russia."
  • 歐巴馬重申了他調整美俄關係的目標,強調美國願意看到一個“強大、和平和繁榮的俄羅斯”。

  •   He called the issue of nuclear proliferation the "core of the nuclear challenge in the 21st century."
  • 他說,核擴散是“ 21 世紀核挑戰的核心”。

  •   Mr. Obama stressed the importance of the agreement he signed Monday with his Russian counterpart, Dmitri Medvedev.
  • 歐巴馬強調他星期一同俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫簽署協議的重要性。

  •   On guidelines for a new pact that would sharply reduce the number of nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles in the U.S. and Russian arsenals.
  • 這項協議為新的雙邊條約制定了方針;新的條約將大幅度減少美國和俄羅斯核武庫中的核武器和運載工具的數量。


  • (2009-07-07)------

  • Officials Impose Curfew on Restive Muslim Region of China
  • 中國新疆政府宣佈實行戒嚴
  •   Chinese state media say the government in the western region of Xinjiang has declared a curfew following ethnic unrest that has paralyzed the main city of Urumqi.
  • 中國官方媒體說,新疆自治區政府宣佈戒嚴;此前新疆地區發生民族騷亂,使新疆主要城市烏魯木齊陷於癱瘓。

  •   China's top official in Urumqi, Communist party leader Li Zhi, said Tuesday authorities also are blocking Internet and mobile phone service in parts of the city in order to prevent further unrest.
  • 中國共產黨烏魯木齊市委書記栗智星期二說,為了防止發生進一步的動亂,當局還停止了烏魯木齊市部分地區的互聯網和手機服務。

  •   Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said "foreign forces" are using those services to instigate violence.
  • 中國外交部發言人秦剛說,“外國勢力”利用這些服務煽動暴力。

  •   Both officials specifically blamed U.S.-based Uighur exile Rebiya Kadeer for masterminding Sunday's rioting that left at least 156 people dead.
  • 栗智和秦剛都都明確指責目前流亡在美國的維吾爾人熱比婭策劃了星期天的騷亂;這次騷亂造成至少 156 人死亡。

  •   In further unrest Tuesday, Muslim Uighurs (pronounced WE-gers) and Han Chinese faced off with riot police in separate incidents.
  • 在其他方面,維吾爾族回教徒以及漢人星期二與防暴警察對峙。

  •   Police first confronted about hundreds of mostly female Uighur protesters, who said members of their families had been arbitrarily arrested, after Sunday's riots.
  • 首先與警察對抗的是數百名以婦女為主的維吾爾族抗議者;他們說,他們的家人在星期天的騷亂後於星期一遭到任意逮捕。

  •   Later in the day, riot police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of Han Chinese protesters who took to the streets armed with makeshift weapons, including clubs, shovels and knives.
  • 星期二晚些時候,防暴警察發射催淚彈,驅散數百名漢族抗議者;這些漢人拿著棍棒、鐵鍬和刀子走上街頭。


EPT 美語
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