《《 「美國習慣用語 - 420」目錄 》》
[A,B] [C,D,E] [F,G] [H,I,J,K,L] [M,N,O,P,Q] [R,S] [T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z]- 本目錄是依字母由A至Z順序排列,其左側之兩個數值是表示[第幾部 - 第幾課]。
- 點按以下任一「習慣用語」即會連結至該課程的網頁。
- 09-14: sacred cow
- 06-15: snowball
- 11-03: scrape the bottom of the barrel
- 05-12: sob story
- 06-01: scratch one's back
- 04-02: somebody's eyes pop out
- 02-01: shake a leg
- 04-15: sound bite
- 08-05: shoot one's mouth off
- 04-15: sound policies
- 03-18: shoot the breeze
- 03-16: sour grapes
- 02-10: shooting the breeze
- 07-02: spill the beans
- 08-14: short and sweet
- 06-04: spooky
- 06-11: shrimp
- 06-20: spring chicken
- 05-08: sidekick
- 03-09: stand on one's own two feet
- 02-12: singing the blues
- 07-05: stand tall
- 12-15: sit on one's hands
- 07-04: stand up someone
- 12-15: sit on the fence
- 12-03: steamroller
- 12-14: sit tight
- 02-10: stick to one's guns
- 06-18: sitting duck
- 02-17: stick your neck out
- 12-14: sitting pretty
- 08-12: stonewall
- 04-19: sleaze
- 03-11: straight from the horse's mouth
- 09-11: slow as molasses
- 04-14: stump
- 09-11: slow burn
- 08-02: Sunday best
- 11-14: smart cookies
- 08-02: Sunday driver
- 11-06: smart money
- 01-04: sunny side up
- 05-17: smart
- 11-07: sweet talk
- 05-17: smarter
- 01-14: sweeten the pot
- 06-12: smell fishy
- 03-10: swept off one's feet
- 11-10: smoke screen
- 04-17: swing voter
- 06-15: snow job