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2025.01.16 20:13
第十二部 第十課: fixing to do something , tricked-out
- Larry 下課以後,在校園裡碰到了李華.他問李華需要不需要去郵局.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: fixing to do something 和 tricked-out。
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- Hey, Li Hua, I'm fixing to go to the post office to mail a package. Do you need to buy stamps or mail something?
- Larry,你要去郵局寄包裹啊.這和修理東西有什麼關係?為什麼你說 fixing to go to the post office?是不是你去郵局以前,要先去修什麼東西啊?
- No. Fixing to do something means that you are getting ready to do it. "I'm fixing to go to the post office" means that I'm getting ready to go to the post office.
- 啊~!我懂了, fixing to do something 就是準備要做什麼事. Larry,我怎麼從來沒聽過這種說法啊。
- It's used all over the U.S., but it's more commonly used in the southern states.
- 原來這是在美國南方常用的說法. Larry,我很想和你一塊兒去郵局,不過啊我準備去圖書館,我想在晚飯以前看點書. I am fixing to go to the library to study before dinner. Larry,我這樣說對不對?
- Absolutely! Hey, did you notice how tired Professor Smith looked in class today? He looked as though he was fixing to fall asleep in the middle of his lecture.
- 就是啊,今天啊 Smith 教授看起來好累喔,在課堂上講課時好想要睡著了一樣.不過你知道嗎?他正在為下個月參加馬拉松賽跑作準備呢,也許啊他是鍛煉過度,所以才這麼累。
- I didn't know that he's fixing to compete in a marathon? Wow, that's impressive.
- 就是啊!我啊真難想像,他怎麼能夠在上課之餘還能找出時間來鍛煉呢。
- No wonder he's tired. I'd be exhausted.
- 嗯,對了,我得去圖書館囉,一會兒見!
- Yeah, I'm going to go and mail this package before post office closes. They should be fixing to close up soon, so I』d better hurry.
- 那就快走吧! 否則郵局關門了.你這包裹啊就寄不出去了。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey, Li Hua. On the way to the post office, I saw Bob's new car. It's awesome! It's totally tricked-out with every accessory you can imagine.
- What? 你說 Bob 的新車怎麼啦?什麼是 tricked-out?
- If a car, or boat, or other machine is "tricked-out", it means that it has all kinds of luxury accessories.
- 哦~, tricked-out 就是說,汽車、船、或者是其他任何機器有各式各樣的豪華設備.所以你剛才啊是說 Bob 的新車有各種新式的裝備,很酷,是不是?
- Exactly. It has a satellite radio system, big speakers, special wheels, and an amazing paint job. It also has a super turbo-charged engine, too.
- 哇~,車上有衛星收音系統、有大的擴音器、特殊的輪子 .... ,哎喲~,我可不懂這些東西,可是啊聽起來真的很酷哎! Bob's new car really is "tricked-out."
- I can't imagine what he paid for it. It must have been really expensive. I can't wait until I can afford such a tricked-out car.
- 嗯,肯定啊是很貴.你想要這樣的車啊?我可不一定想買這種豪華車.我啊比較喜歡實用的車子,價錢比較便宜,問題可能也比較少喔。
- A simple car would be less expensive than a tricked-out one. But why do you think it would have fewer problems?
- 當然啦!你車上的裝置愈多,就愈容易出故障啊,這修理起來啊一定也很貴.這是必然的嘛。
- That's true. It's probably more expensive to maintain a really tricked-out car because there are more things that could go wrong with it.
- 對啊,要維護一輛高級車啊肯定是很貴的.我的要求呢就是價錢便宜,問題要少。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到兩個常用語.第一個是: fixing to do something, 就是「準備要做某一件事」.另一個常用語是: tricked-out,是「形容一樣東西很豪華,有各種新式的裝置」。