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EPT 美語
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第十二部 第十二課: to have a beef with someone , hit pay dirt

  • Larry 在告訴李華這個星期他辦公室發生的一場爭論.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: to have a beef with someonehit pay dirt
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • The boss still wants to fire Jim because they had a beef over the last sales report.
  • 你們老闆要開除 Jim,因為他們有什麼? A beef?你是說他們為了一些牛肉在吵架啊?
  • No (laughing), not beef as in the beef that you eat. To have a beef with someone means to have a disagreement. The boss and Jim had a disagreement over the sales report.
  • 哦哈哈!原來 have a beef with someone 就是和某人有爭執.這啊和我們吃的牛肉一點關係也沒有.疑?那你老闆為什麼會和 Jim 吵架呢?
  • Well, the boss felt that Jim had done a really bad job of preparing the report and Jim felt that the boss did not give him enough time to do the report properly.
  • 哦~,老闆覺得 Jim 寫的報告太差,而 Jim 覺得老闆沒給他足夠的時間,所以兩人就這麼吵起來啦? Jim had a beef with the boss.我說得對嗎?
  • Yep. Now, the boss is making everyone else miserable because of his beef with Jim.
  • 他是和 Jim 鬧不開心,這跟其他人有什麼關係呢?
  • He's just been in a really bad mood and he's being tough on everyone. It's not fair. His beef is with Jim, not the rest of the people in the office.
  • 他不高興就對辦公室裡每個人都特別厲害.這是很不公平哎.他是跟 Jim 吵架,又不是和全辦公室吵架。
  • Exactly. I'm worried that the situation will go too far and there will be major problems in our office.
  • 你怕情況這樣發展下去辦公室會出大問題啊?你們為什麼不讓 Jim 向老闆道個歉.這不就完了嗎?
  • I don't think he'll do that.
  • 他不會道歉?哎呀~,你勸勸他嘛.關鍵啊在他身上,道了歉緊張氣氛就化解啦,對大家啊都有好處哎。
  • It's worth a try. Maybe Jim will be willing to sacrifice his own interests and resolve his beef with the boss.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Hey, Li Hua, you really hit pay dirt with that suggestion you made. Jim apologized to the boss and everybody is happy now.
  • Jim 跟你們老闆道歉啦?那太好啦!不過, Larry,你說 hit pay dirt 是什麼意思啊,我..我聽不懂哎!
  • To hit pay dirt means that you found something that turned out to be profitable or beneficial.
  • To hit pay dirt 就是發現了很有好處的東西.所以你剛才的意思是我的建議啊非常有用.不過,這三個詞 hit, pay, 和 dirt 合在一起好怪喔.這個說法是從哪裡來的啊?
  • When miners would dig for gold, they would say that they had hit pay dirt when they found dirt that contained gold.
  • 哦~,原來是采金礦的工人,他們在挖到含黃金的礦石的時候,他們就會說 hit pay dirt,這樣一解釋我就懂啦。
  • They sometimes say "strike pay dirt". Anyway, LI Hua, I also hit pay dirt today.
  • 你今天也挖到寶啦?怎麼說啊?
  • I got a good job offer after I graduate.
  • 你已經找到畢業後的工作啦!那太好了!是哪家公司要雇你呢?
  • Actually, the office I'm working in offered me the job.
  • 真的啊?就是你現在打工的這家公司?不過你真的想在那兒工作嗎?
  • At first, I wasn't that interested, but when they told me what my salary would be, I realized that I'd really hit pay dirt.
  • 哇喔~,太棒了,你很快啊就能把你的破車賣了,買一輛高級車, a nice set of wheels.我們一塊兒出去慶祝慶祝吧!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語.第一個是: to have a beef with someone,這就是「和某人吵架,關係緊張」的意思.另外一個常用語是: to hit pay dirt,或者說 to strike pay dirt,這是指「發現了有價值的東西」。
EPT 美語
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