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2025.01.18 15:20
四月份 第 04 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-04) ------
- Koreas Tensions
- 朝鮮半島局勢緊張
- The future of a joint industrial complex between North and South Korea remains in question, as Pyongyang blocked South Korean workers from entering the center for a second day.
- 位於朝鮮半島南北之間的開城聯合工業園區仍然前途未蔔,平壤連續第二天不準韓國工人進入園區。
- Seoul expects about 200 workers to return home Thursday from the Kaesong industrial zone, which lies about 10 kilometers inside North Korea.
- 首爾預計星期四將有大約 200 名工人從開城工業園區返回韓國,該園區位於朝鮮境內大約 10 公里。
- Officials say that would leave about 600 South Koreans at the facility.
- 有關官員說,此後將有大約 600 名韓國人留在園區。
- There are concerns that the workers could become trapped in North Korea, should any conflict break out.
- 有關方面擔憂,如果發生衝突,這些韓國工人可能被困在朝鮮。
- South Korea has said that military action is a last-resort option if the safety of its workers is threatened.
- 韓國曾經表示,如果韓國工人的安全受到威脅,軍事行動將是最後的選擇手段。
- North Korea on Thursday renewed its threat to shut down the complex, which is the last remaining sign of inter-Korean cooperation.
- 朝鮮星期四再次威脅要關閉開城工業園區,而該園區是南北雙方合作的僅存跡象。
- The facility, which opened in 2004, is also an important source of income for cash-strapped Pyongyang.
- 開城工業園區於 2004 年開始運營,對現金匱乏的平壤而言,該園區是一個重要的收入來源。
- But the South Korean Unification Ministry is denying reports the North has ordered all South Koreans to leave the facility.
- 但韓國統一部否認了有關朝鮮命令所有韓國人離開開城工業園區的報導。
- It said the reports, which circulated early Thursday, were based on a misunderstanding of a memo sent to South Korean workers.
- 韓國統一部說,星期四清早開始出現的有關報導是基於對一條發給韓國工人的信息的誤解。
- Pyongyang, which is angry at recent U.N. sanctions over its nuclear program, has issued near-daily threats against Seoul and Washington.
- 最近聯合國針對朝鮮核項目而實行的新制裁激怒了朝鮮當局,平壤近來幾乎每天都對美國和韓國進行威脅。
- (2013-04-04) ------
- White House : Obama to Return 5 Percent of Salary
- 白宮宣佈:歐巴馬將交還 5 % 的工資
- White House official says that in a show of solidarity with furloughed U.S. federal employees, President Barack Obama will return 5 percent of his salary to the government.
- 白宮官員說,為了顯示和那些被迫無薪休假的聯邦政府員工同心同德,歐巴馬總統將交還他 5 % 的工資給政府。
- The official Wednesday said the president decided to share in the sacrifice public employees are making because of the automatic spending cuts called the sequester.
- 星期三,白宮官員說,為了支持那些由於被稱為強行減赤措施而被迫無薪休假的政府員工,歐巴馬總統決定和他們一起分擔他們做出的犧牲。
- Mr. Obama makes $400,000 a year. Five percent of his salary, going back to March 1, when the sequester started, would be about $1,700 per month.
- 歐巴馬總統的年薪是 40 萬美元;歐巴馬決定從強行減赤開始實行的 3 月 1 日起每個月交回 5 % 的工資,也就是大約每個月 1700 美元。
- Tuesday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his deputy, Ashton Carter, both said they will refund part of their salaries.
- 星期二,國防部長哈格爾和副部長卡特也表示,他們也將交回部份工資。