現在線上人數 120人
2025.01.16 21:26
四月份 第 12 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-16) ------
- N.Korea Vows 'Sledge-Hammer' Retaliation for Anti-Pyongyang Protests in Seoul
- 朝鮮誓言嚴厲報復首爾舉行的抗議平壤活動
- North Korea has issued fresh threats against South Korea, vowing retaliation for recent protests in Seoul that it says "hurt the dignity" of the leadership in Pyongyang.
- 朝鮮再次對韓國發出威脅,誓言對首爾最近舉行的抗議進行報復,並聲稱抗議活動損害了平壤領導層的尊嚴。
- The North's military threatened unspecified "immediate" action against the South if it did not apologize for the small Monday protests, during which effigies of North Korean leaders were burned.
- 朝鮮軍方威脅說,如果韓國不對星期一舉行的小規模抗議道歉,就將 “立即” 採取未加說明的行動;在抗議活動中,朝鮮領導人的畫像被焚燒。
- The statement, read on state television Tuesday, included typically inflammatory language, vowing "sledge-hammer" revenge for what it said was the protesters' "monstrous criminal act."
- 朝鮮國家電視台星期二播報的這一聲明使用了典型的煽動性語言,誓言要對其所說的抗議者的 “窮凶極惡的犯罪行為” 進行嚴厲的報復。
- The threat comes as North Koreans continue their two-day celebration of the birthday of late founding leader Kim Il Sung. Many had expected Pyongyang to mark the occasion with a provocative missile test, but the Monday anniversary passed without incident.
- 在發出這一威脅的同時,朝鮮人繼續進行為期兩天的已故朝鮮建國領導人金日成誕辰慶祝活動;很多人曾預計平壤將在金日成誕辰之際進行一次具有挑釁性的導彈試射,但星期一沒有出現這種事態。
- (2013-04-16) ------
- FBI Investigating Deadly Boston Marathon Explosions
- 美國聯邦調查局對波士頓馬拉松致命的爆炸案展開調查
- U.S. federal investigators are working to uncover who was behind a twin bombing Monday at the Boston Marathon that left at least three people dead and more than 140 others injured.
- 美國聯邦調查局開始尋找星期一波士頓馬拉松賽連環爆炸案的製造者,這一事件造成至少三人死亡,140 多人受傷。
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation is leading the multi-agency effort to investigate what a White House official said was "clearly an act of terror."
- 聯邦調查局正在組織多個機構對爆炸事件展開調查;一名白宮官員說,這一事件 “顯然是恐怖活動”。
- The FBI said in a statement late Monday it was too early to establish the cause or motivation for the explosions, which happened moments apart within about 100 meters of each other near the finish line.
- 聯邦調查局星期一晚間發表聲明說,現在確定這次爆炸事件的起因或動機還為時過早;這兩次爆炸都發生在馬拉松賽終點線附近,爆炸地點相距大約在百米之內,間隔時間極短。
- VOA correspondent Carolyn Presutti said early Tuesday investigators were working in a wide area around the scene, with barricades on street corners to keep out people and traffic.
- 美國之音記者普雷蘇蒂星期二清晨說,調查人員在爆炸現場周邊很大範圍內展開工作,街角設有路障,不准行人車輛進入。
- She described a lot of security around the city with the sights and sounds of police cars and sirens, but otherwise no one out on the streets.
- 普雷蘇蒂說,波士頓加緊保安工作,可以看到警車,並能聽到警報器的聲響,但街上沒有行人。
- U.S. President Barack Obama said in televised remarks that the United States will find out who was responsible for the blasts and hold them accountable.
- 美國總統歐巴馬在電視講話中說,將找到肇事者,並將其繩之以法。
- Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said there was "no specific intelligence" warning of an attack, and authorities said there was no immediate claim of responsibility.
- 波士頓警方首腦戴維斯說,沒有關於這次襲擊的情報;有關當局表示,目前還沒有人宣稱對爆炸事件負責。
- The blasts took place about four hours into the race, long after the winners had finished, but at the time that the highest number of runners and their supporters are usually around the finish line area.
- 爆炸發生在馬拉松賽開始大約四小時後,一些選手早已跑過終點,而當時大量選手及其支持者聚集在終點線周圍。
- The competition, which had more than 23,000 runners, was halted after the bombs went off.
- 比賽在爆炸發生後停止,參賽選手有 2 萬 3 千多名。
- Bloody spectators, including some with severed limbs, were carried to the medical tent that had been set up to care for fatigued runners from the race.
- 鮮血淋漓的觀眾,包括一些被炸斷手臂或腿的人,被送到原本為疲憊的長跑運動員設置的醫療帳篷內。
- The Boston Globe, citing two law enforcement sources, reported that the dead included an eight-year-old boy. A number of victims suffered amputations.
- 波士頓環球報援引兩名執法機構消息人仕的話說,死者中包括一名八歲男孩;一些人的手臂或腿被炸斷。
- Cities worldwide stepped up security following the explosions.
- 爆炸發生之後,全球各地的城市已經加強了保安的措施。