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二月份 第 06 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [14][13][12][11][10][09][08]

  • (2007-02-08) ------

  • North Korea Ready to Discuss Initial Steps of Nuclear Disarmament
  • 北韓願討論解除核武器初步行動
  •   North Korea says it is ready to discuss initial steps of its nuclear disarmament, as six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear program got underway in Beijing (today/Thursday).
  • 圍繞北韓核項目的新一輪六方會談星期四在北京舉行.北韓表示,願意就解除核武器的初始步驟進行討論。

  •   North Korea's envoy to the talks, Kim Kye-Kwan, said he was prepared to discuss first-stage measures but that any moves by North Korea will be based on whether the U.S. will give up what he referred to as its "hostile policy" towards Pyongyang.
  • 北韓談判代表金桂冠表示,他準備好討論第一階段的措施,但是北韓的任何行動都要看美國是否放棄對平壤的「敵對政策」。

  •   Earlier, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said he hopes North Korea will recommit to a deal reached in September 2005, when it agreed to roll back its nuclear program in exchange for diplomatic and economic incentives.
  • 美國助理國務卿希爾早些時候表示,他希望北韓能重新對 2005 年達成的協議做出承諾.根據協議,北韓同意放棄自己的核項目,以換取外交和經濟上的好處。

  •   North Korea had boycotted the nuclear talks for more than a year because of U.S. financial sanctions against the state. It returned to the negotiating table late last year after conducting a nuclear test in October.
  • 由於美國對北韓實行金融制裁,北韓對六方會談抵制了一年多的時間,去年十月進行核試驗後才同意回到談判桌。


  • (2007-02-08) ------

  • US Defends Bush Record on Climate Change
  • 白宮為布希在氣候變化問題上的紀錄辯護
  •   The White House says climate change and global warming has been a top-priority issue throughout President Bush's time in office.
  • 白宮表示,布希總統在任期間,一向高度重視氣候變化和全球變暖的問題。

  •   In an "open letter" (released Wednesday), White House officials detail the Bush administration's work on climate-change research, and recount the president's statements on the issue since June 2001.
  • 在星期三公佈的一份「公開信」中,白宮官員詳細說明了布希行政當局在氣候變化方面所作的研究和布希總統 2001 年以來在這個問題上的說法。

  •   The statement appears to be an attempt to correct what U.S. officials say are recent erroneous media reports contening that Mr. Bush has only recently turned his attention to climate change.
  • 這份公開信似乎是希望糾正某些政府官員所說的、最近媒體在這個問題上的錯誤報導.媒體報導說,布希總統只是在最近才把注意力轉到氣候變化的問題上來。

  •   President Bush committed almost three billion dollars a year from 2003 through 2006 for climate-change research and related programs. The open letter says this spending is higher than any other country's efforts on such issues.
  • 這封公開信指出,在 2003 年到 2006 年期間,布希總統批准在氣候變化和有關項目的研究方面所投入的資金,每年差不多有 30 億美元,這比任何其他國家在這個問題上的投資都要多。

  •   The letter also cites a report (by the International Energy Agency saying) that U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions rose one-point-seven percent from 2000 to 2004, compared to a five-percent increase in the European Union.
  • 公開信還引用國際能源機構的報告說, 2000 到 2004 年期間,美國排放的二氧化碳總量上升了 1.7 %;相比之下,歐盟各國則上漲了 5 %。

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