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二月份 第 06 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [14][13][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2012-02-08) ------

  • Santorum Pulls Off Major Wins in Three Republican Nominating Contests
  • 共和黨總統參選提名 桑托勒姆三州得勝
  •   Rick Santorum's campaign for the U.S. Republican Party's presidential nomination received a major boost with victories in Tuesday's nominating contests in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado.
  • 桑托勒姆星期二在明尼蘇達、密蘇里和科羅拉多三個州角逐美國總統選舉共和黨提名的努力取得勝利,使他的競選活動獲得極大助力。

  •   With most of the returns counted, the former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania won the Minnesota caucuses with 45 percent of the vote.
  • 在大部分的投票結果算出之後,桑托勒姆的得票率為 45 %,使得這位來自賓州的前聯邦參議員贏得了明尼蘇達州的黨團會議。

  •   U.S. Representative Ron Paul came in second with 27 percent and ex-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, considered the Republican frontrunner, finished a distant third with 17 percent.
  • 聯邦眾議員保羅以 27 % 的得票率排在第二位;被視為共和黨初選領先者的前麻薩諸塞州州長羅姆尼大幅落後,只得到 17 % 的選票,排名第三。

  •   In the Missouri primary, with all the votes counted, Santorum won 55 percent of the vote, while Romney came in second with 25 percent and Paul finished third with 12 percent.
  • 在密蘇里州的初選中,在計算了所有選票後,桑托勒姆贏得 55 % 的選票,羅姆尼位居第二,得票率為 25 %;保羅以 12 % 的得票率排名第三。

  •   In a victory speech in Missouri late Tuesday, Santorum declared "conservatism is alive and well" in Missouri and Minnesota.
  • 桑托勒姆星期二晚間在密蘇里州發表獲勝演講時宣稱,在密蘇里州和明尼蘇達州,“保守主義充滿活力、風頭正勁”。

  •   He also declared himself the true "conservative alternative" to both Romney and Democratic President Barack Obama.
  • 桑托勒姆還宣稱自己是可以取代羅姆尼和民主黨總統歐巴馬的真正 “保守派人選”。

  •   He accused Mr. Obama of arrogance by failing to listen to the American people in their opposition to the bailouts for the financial sector and health care reform.
  • 他指責歐巴馬行事傲慢,不聽從美國民眾對援救金融業和醫療改革的反對。

  •   Santorum also pulled off an upset victory over Romney in the Colorado caucuses, winning more than 40 percent of the vote, with Romney earning 35 percent and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich winning 13 percent to finish a distant third place.
  • 桑托勒姆還在科羅拉多州的黨團會議中力克羅姆尼而意外得勝,贏得超過 40 % 的選票,羅姆尼的得票率為 35 %;前眾議院議長金里奇僅獲得 13 % 的選票,差距明顯,排在第三位。

  •   Romney had won Colorado by a large margin in the 2008 Republican nominating contest.
  • 羅姆尼在 2008 年參加共和黨總統提名戰時,曾在科羅拉多州以顯著優勢取勝。

  •   Santorum's triple victories dealt a blow to Romney's status as the favorite to win the Republican nomination.
  • 桑托勒姆的 3 連勝給羅姆尼被看好可能贏得共和黨總統提名的優勢地位帶來沉重打擊。

  •   Romney congratulated Santorum during a rally in Denver before the Colorado results were announced, but told the crowd he still expected to become the nominee.
  • 科羅拉多州的結果公佈之前,羅姆尼在丹佛的一場集會中向桑托勒姆表示祝賀,但是他對人們表示,他仍然預計自己將成為共和黨的總統候選人。


  • (2012-02-08) ------

  • Yangtze River Pollution Prompts Panic in China
  • 長江污染引起恐慌
  •   Chinese authorities are dealing with the second water pollution scare in less than a month, after authorities in eastern China said an acid used in detergents had contaminated a regional water supply.
  • 中國當局正在應對不到一個月來的第二起水污染恐慌事件;此前中國東部有關當局說,去污劑中所含的一種酸污染了一個地區的水源。

  •   State media reported Wednesday that officials in Jiangsu province found the chemical phenol in the Yangtze River, which supplies most of the water for China's most populous city, Shanghai.Residents in nearby Zhenjiang said their tap water had a strange smell on Friday, prompting a run on bottled water.
  • 中國國家媒體星期三報導說,江蘇省官員在長江裏發現了化學製劑酚,中國人口最多的城市上海的大部分用水來自長江;附近鎮江市的居民說,他們的自來水星期五出現異味,於是引發了對瓶裝水的搶購。

  •   Officials said the pollution did not cause a health threat, and there were reports that the water quality had since returned to normal.
  • 有關官員說,這種污染對人體健康不構成威脅,同時有報導說,當地的水質已經恢復正常。

  •   Reports said the contamination may have been caused last week by a leak from a South Korean ship.
  • 據報導,這次污染可能是上星期一艘南韓船的泄漏造成的。

  •   The incident comes just weeks after the cancer-causing chemical cadmium was found in the Liujiang River in southern China, threatening water supplies for millions of residents.
  • 在發生這一事件的幾星期前,在中國南方的柳江發現致癌物鎘,對數百萬居民的供水造成威脅。

EPT 美語
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