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四月份 第 20 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2009-04-29) ------

  • Obama on First 100 Days: "We Can't Rest"
  • 歐巴馬任總統百天不滿足進展
  •   U.S President Barack Obama says he is pleased with the progress in his first 100 days in office but that he is not satisfied.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,他對擔任總統 100 天來取得的進步感到高興,但是他並不滿足。

  •   Speaking at a town hall style event in a suburb of St. Louis (in the Midwestern state of Missouri), the president said Wednesday the country has begun to pick itself up, dust itself off and work to remake America.
  • 歐巴馬總統星期三在密蘇裏州的聖路易斯舉行的市民大會上說,美國開始站起來,撣掉身上的塵土,開始重建努力。

  •   But he also warned the audience that the U.S. still faces many obstacles and that "we can't rest" until the economy starts growing and America's leadership role in the world is restored.
  • 但是他警告說,美國仍然面臨眾多障礙,在經濟開始增長和美國恢復其在世界上的領導地位之前“我們不能鬆懈”。

  •   Mr. Obama is also taking questions from the audience, telling one man he is committed to restoring a viable U.S. auto industry.
  • 歐巴馬還回答了市民提出的問題;他對一名男子說,他將努力恢復美國汽車工業的活力。

  •   Later, he will return to the White House for a nationally televised news conference.
  • 歐巴馬總統晚些時候將返回白宮,舉行向全國電視轉播的記者會。


  • (2009-04-29) ------

  • Obama Pledges Government Action to Deal With Swine Flu Outbreak
  • 歐巴馬:全力以赴應對豬流感
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama says the government is doing all it can to control the swine flu outbreak -- following the first reported death in the United States.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,美國政府正全力以赴控制豬流感流行;此前有報導說,美國發生了第一例豬流感死亡。

  •   Mr. Obama said at the White House Wednesday that the U.S. is taking utmost precautions to deal with the outbreak, and is closely monitoring the situation.
  • 歐巴馬星期三在白宮說,美國正盡力採取預防措施應對豬流感,並密切監視疫情的發展。

  •   He urged health authorities to be vigilant about identifying suspected cases and added that schools with suspected cases should consider closing if the situation becomes more serious.
  • 他敦促衛生部門保持警惕,注意疑似病例,還說如果局勢嚴重,發現疑似豬流感病例的學校可以考慮關閉。

  •   Earlier Wednesday, U.S. health officials announced that the first U.S. victim of the virus was a 23-month-old child in (the southwestern state of) Texas, which sits on Mexico's northern border.
  • 美國衛生官員星期三早些時候宣佈,豬流感在美國造成的第一例死亡是墨西哥邊界以北的德克薩斯州一名 23 個月大的兒童。

  •   State officials say the child was from Mexico and traveled to the state to visit family.
  • 德州官員說,這名兒童來自墨西哥,前來美國探望家人。

  •   In Mexico, the number of suspected deaths is now up to 159.
  • 墨西哥的疑似豬流感死亡病例已達 159 人。

  •   (Mexican) Health Minister Jose Cordova told reporters late Tuesday there are 26 confirmed cases of swine flu, including seven deaths.
  • (墨西哥) 衛生部長科爾多瓦星期二晚上對記者說,有 26 起確認的豬流感病例,包括 7 起死亡病例。

  •   He says just over 1,300 people with symptoms of the virus remain hospitalized.
  • 他說,呈現豬流感症狀的 1300 多人仍在醫院觀察治療。


EPT 美語
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