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四月份 第 20 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2012-04-30) ------

  • US, Japanese Leaders to Push for Stronger Alliance
  • 美日領導人推動加強雙邊聯盟
  •   Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda meets with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House Monday for talks that are expected to reaffirm a strong bilateral alliance that has weakened in recent years.
  • 日本首相野田佳彥星期一在白宮與美國總統歐巴馬會晤,預計將討論加強雙邊聯盟;美日聯盟最近幾年有所削弱。

  •   The two leaders are expected to discuss a range of issues, including last week's relocation announcement of about 9,000 U.S. Marines from the Japanese island chain of Okinawa.
  • 預計這兩位領導人將討論一系列問題,其中包括上週宣佈的遷走駐紮在日本沖繩島的大約 9000 名美國海軍陸戰隊員的協議。

  •   The deal is aimed at alleviating tensions between the two allies over the longtime U.S. military presence on Okinawa.
  • 該協議旨在緩解美日兩國就美軍長期駐紮沖繩而引起的緊張關係。

  •   Under the agreement, the troops will be relocated to other locations in the Pacific region, including Hawaii, the U.S. territory of Guam, and Australia.
  • 根據這一協議,這批軍人將被部署到太平洋地區其它地點,其中包括夏威夷、美國海外屬地關島和澳大利亞。

  •   A timetable for the relocation has not been set.
  • 調動時間表還沒有確定。

  •   Security issues are also expected to highlight the talks, particularly concerns that North Korea will test another nuclear bomb or missile.
  • 預計安全問題也將是此次會談的重點,特別是雙方對朝鮮將要試驗另一枚核彈或導彈的擔憂。

  •   Japan and South Korea have both threatened to try to shoot down any test missile that strays over their territory, an action Pyongyang has said would amount to a declaration of war.
  • 日本和韓國都威脅將擊落飛越其領空的試驗導彈;平壤說這一舉動將等同於宣戰。

  •   On the economic front, the two sides are expected to discuss Japan's possible participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an emerging U.S.-led trade deal involving nine nations across the Asia Pacific.
  • 在經濟方面,美日領導人預計將討論日本參與泛太平洋夥伴關係的可能性;泛太平洋夥伴關係是美國領導的、由亞太地區 9 個成員國參與的新興貿易協議。

  •   While Mr. Noda has voiced interest in the pact, he faces heavy opposition at home from his party and farmers concerned about the loss of large government subsidies.
  • 野田佳彥表示對該協議有興趣,但他面臨來自日本執政黨以及日本農民強烈的反對呼聲;日本農民擔憂,參加這一協議將使他們失去政府的大量補貼。

  •   Mr. Noda is Japan's sixth prime minister in six years.
  • 野田佳彥是日本 6 年來第 6 任首相。

  •   He is the country's first leader to visit Washington since a 2009 election ushered in his Democratic Party of Japan, which favored a foreign policy that was more independent of the United States.
  • 自從日本民主黨在 2009 年的大選中獲勝上台後,野田佳彥是首位訪問華盛頓的日本首相;日本民主黨提倡在外交政策上更加獨立於美國。


  • (2012-04-30) ------

  • Burma Opposition Ends Boycott as UN Chief Addresses Parliament
  • 緬甸反對黨停止抵制議會
  •   Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her opposition National League for Democracy party have ended their week-long boycott of parliament, after accepting oath-of-office language that calls on her party to "safeguard" the constitution.
  • 緬甸民主運動領導人翁山素姬和她所在的反對黨全國民主聯盟停止一個星期來抵制議會的行動;他們接受了議員就職誓詞中要求其政黨 “捍衛” 憲法的說法。

  •   The Nobel laureate and 42 other NLD colleagues will enter Burma's parliament for the first time Wednesday.
  • 這位諾貝爾和平獎得主和全國民主聯盟的另外 42 位議員星期三將參加緬甸議會;他們曾抵制 “捍衛憲法” 的說法。

  •   They had objected to the words "safeguard the constitution," arguing the language was crafted by a military junta that ruled the country for decades and jailed thousands of democracy activists.
  • 他們爭辯說,這一說法是軍政府製造出來的;軍政府統治緬甸幾十年,囚禁了成千上萬的民主活動人士。

  •   The tactical retreat came Monday, as U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addressed the Burmese parliament, in a show of support for democratic reforms initiated by the new, nominally-civilian government that took office last year.
  • 全國民主聯盟的戰術性退卻發生在星期一;當天,聯合國秘書長潘基文在緬甸議會講話,表示支持緬甸新的名義上的文官政府去年上台後發起的民主改革。

  •   Mr. Ban, speaking in the administrative capital, Naypyitaw, hailed what he called the "vision, leadership and courage" of President Thein Sein, whose post-election initiatives include clearing the way for Aung San Suu Kyi and her party's successful run for office April 1.
  • 潘基文在緬甸行政首都內比都發表這一講話時讚揚緬甸總統吳登盛的 “眼光、領導能力和勇氣”;吳登盛當選後發起的改革措施包括為翁山素姬及其政黨成功參加 4 月 1 日的議會選舉掃清道路。

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