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四月份 第 20 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2011-05-02) ------

  • Obama: Bin Laden Dead
  • 歐巴馬:賓拉登已死
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama says the world's most wanted terrorist, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, was killed by U.S. forces at a compound inside Pakistan.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬宣佈,世界頭號恐怖分子通緝犯、基地組織領導人賓拉登在巴基斯坦境內一座建築被美軍擊斃。

  •   In a nationwide address from the White House late Sunday, Mr. Obama said a "small team of Americans" carried out the targeted operation against the compound in Abbottabad, an affluent area north of Islamabad.
  • 星期天晚上,歐巴馬在白宮發表全國講話時說,一小隊美國人在伊斯蘭堡以北一個富裕地區阿伯塔巴德執行了這次有鎖定目標的行動。

  •   He said U.S. forces killed bin Laden after a firefight and took custody of his body.
  • 他說,美軍在交火後打死了賓拉登,並掌握了他的屍體。

  •   Mr. Obama called the development the "most significant achievement" in the mission to defeat al-Qaida, and said bin Laden's demise should be welcomed by all those who believe in peace and human dignity.
  • 歐巴馬將這一發展稱為打敗基地組織使命的 “最重要成就”;他說,賓拉登的死亡應受到所有信奉和平和人類尊嚴人的歡迎。

  •   He said "justice has been done."
  • 他說:“正義得到了伸張。”

  •   In a briefing, the Obama administration described the raid as a complex, dangerous mission.
  • 在一次新聞發佈會上,歐巴馬政府稱這次襲擊是一個複雜、危險的任務。

  •   An official said the United States did not share information on the raid with any other country and very few people in the U.S. government knew of the plan in advance.
  • 一位官員說,美國並沒有與任何其他國家分享關於這次襲擊的情報,美國政府的極少數人事先知道這個計劃。

  •   An official described the compound as having "extraordinary" security measures, including two security gates and walls three to four meters high topped by barbed wire.
  • 一位官員稱那個建築備有 “特殊” 的保安措施,其中包括兩道安全門和三、四米高的圍墻,上面設有鐵絲網。

  •   The killing of bin Laden comes nearly 10 years after the catastrophic attacks by al-Qaida operatives on the United States on September 11, 2001. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attacks.
  • 賓拉登被打死發生在基地組織成員 2001 年 9 月 11 日發動災難性襲擊近 10 年之後;近 3000 人在那些襲擊中遇難。

  •   Mr. Obama said bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, but a "mass murderer of Muslims."
  • 歐巴馬說,賓拉登不是一個回教徒領袖,而是一個 “屠殺回教徒的兇手”。

  •   The president said bin Laden was located with the help of Pakistani intelligence, and that he authorized the operation after months of pursuing an intelligence lead.
  • 歐巴馬總統說,在巴基斯坦情報部門的幫助下找到了賓拉登,並在對一條情報線索追蹤數月之後,他授權採取了這一行動。


  • (2011-05-02) ------

  • China Calls for Libya Ceasefire After Gadhafi's Son Dies
  • 卡扎菲兒子被炸死後中國呼籲利比亞停火
  •   China's Foreign Ministry has renewed its call for a ceasefire in Libya after reports that a NATO airstrike killed the son of leader Moammar Gadhafi, saying it is concerned about civilian casualties in the fighting there.
  • 中國外交部再次呼籲利比亞停火,此前有報導說,北約空襲打死了卡扎菲的兒子;中國外交部表示,它對利比亞戰事中平民死傷感到關切。

  •   A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says that China disapproves of any NATO action beyond that authorized by the United Nations Security Council.
  • 中國外交部發言人姜瑜說,中國不贊成任何超過聯合國安理會授權的行動。

  •   Jiang Yu urged all parties to halt combat and resolve the Libyan crisis peacefully.
  • 姜瑜敦促所有各方停止作戰行動,和平解決利比亞危機。

  •   China abstained from the U.N. Security Council vote authorizing intervention to protect civilians in Libya, where rebels are fighting to end Moammar Gadhafi's authoritarian rule.
  • 聯合國安理會表決授權干預保護利比亞平民的時候,中國投了棄權票;利比亞反對派為結束卡扎菲的專制統治而戰鬥。

  •   A Libyan government official has said that a NATO airstrike on Saturday killed 29-year-old Saif al-Arab Gadhafi and three of his children, in what the government calls an attempt to assassinate the Libyan leader.
  • 利比亞政府官員說,北約星期六的空襲炸死卡扎菲 29 歲的兒子賽義夫和賽義夫的三個兒子;利比亞政府稱這是刺殺卡扎菲的企圖。

  •   The deaths have not been independently confirmed.
  • 這些人的死亡還沒有得到獨立證實。


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