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2024.09.09 05:47
第十三部 第二課: grease monkey , fender bender
- Larry 的車子正在廠裏修理。今天李華陪他去取車。李華會學到兩個常用語: grease monkey 和 fender bender。
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- I hope my car is ready. The grease monkey said it would be fixed by 3:00 this afternoon.
- The grease monkey? Larry,你的車不是送到修車廠了嗎?修車廠怎麼會有猴子啊?
- (Laugh) No, there aren't any monkeys like the monkeys in the zoo. Grease monkey is a slang term for auto mechanic.
- 你們把汽車修理工叫 grease monkey?真有意思耶!所以你是在說,修車的工人告訴你,車子在 3 點以前會修好。
- Right, but I doubt it will be ready. Every time a grease monkey tells my car will be ready, he's wrong.
- 你不相信那修車的人啊?為什麼每次他們說的時間都是錯的呢?
- Well, last time I had my car fixed. The mechanic said it would be ready the next day. As it turned out, my car wasn't ready until three days later.
- 原來你上回修車就受騙過。說好第二天可以取車,結果啊,拖了三天才修好,怪不得你不相信他們了。對了,Larry,我們可以當著修車工的面叫他們是 grease monkey 嗎?
- Some mechanics wouldn't care, but others might not like being called a grease monkey. If I mean it as a joke, it's okay; however, it can also be used negatively.
- 有些人不在乎,有的人啊會不高興,這也是很自然的。要是叫他們 grease monkey 是開玩笑的話,我想應該不會有什麼問題。
- Yeah, but it can be an insult.
- 那~,到底要怎麼樣才算是開玩笑啊?
- Well, my sister tried to fix her car and got covered in grease. After that, my father jokingly called her his little grease monkey.
- 喔哈哈,你妹妹自己想修車,結果啊搞的全身是油污,所以你爸爸叫她 my grease monkey。那你呢?你有沒有自己修過車啊?
- No, I'm not very good at fixing cars. I would be a lousy grease monkey.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Larry, 你還沒告訴我啊,為什麼你的車要送去修啊?
- I was in a little fender bender the other day and my tail light needed to be fixed.
- 你的車怎麼啦? A fender bender? 那是什麼東西啊?
- A fender bender is a minor car accident. Usually, no one is seriously hurt in a fender bender and the cars are not damaged too badly.
- A fender bender 就是小事故。Larry 你撞車啦,你怎麼都沒有告訴我啊?
- It was just a fender bender, so I didn't think it was important enough to tell you about.
- 小事故也可能會受傷啊。你怎麼樣啊?你沒事吧?
- I'm fine. I didn't even get a scratch.
- 你啊沒事就好了。對了,你怎麼會和別的車擦撞啊?
- The girl in the car behind me was talking on her cell phone and she wasn't paying attention. She drove into the back of my car.
- 一邊開車啊一邊打手機真的很危險的。那個從後面撞上你的女孩,如果她開車速度再快一些,你們倆都有可能受傷呢!
- Fortunately, she wasn't driving very fast, so it turned out to be just a minor fender bender.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是: grease monkey,是指修理汽車的工人。另一個常用語是: fender bender,這是指小車禍,通常沒有人受傷的事故。