現在線上人數 108人
2025.02.12 05:46
第十三部 第七課: let off steam , oops
- 這是一個星期五的晚上,Larry 和李華兩個人經過一個星期緊張學習以後都很累,現在正在一起吃晚飯。今天李華會學到兩個常用語: let off steam 和 oops。
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- Wow, it's nice to relax and let off some steam after a long week at work.
- 就是啊,放鬆一下,感覺真好! Larry,你說要 let off steam? Steam 是蒸氣,啊?你還會放氣呀?
- No, not literally. To let off steam can mean to relax or it can mean to express pent-up feelings, usually of anger.
- 原來如此。To let off steam 就是放鬆,也可以是發洩積壓在心裏的感情,通常啊是指火氣。所以你是在說一個星期緊張地學習和工作以後啊,放鬆一下,感覺很好。 Larry,這個常用語跟 steam, 蒸氣有什麼關係啊?
- It's a metaphor. One has to ease the pressure in a steam engine by releasing - or letting off - steam. Otherwise the engine might overheat and explode.
- 原來是從蒸汽機的原理來的。沒錯,蒸汽機如果不定時釋放一下蒸氣,那就有可能會爆炸。 Larry,如果你一直不放鬆的話,你該不會爆炸吧?
- No, I'm not going to explode. However, letting off steam is important to a person's mental health.
- 嗯,我同意,一個人啊如果沒有放鬆的機會,那對心理健康有很大影響耶。我啊通常就是用跑步運動來讓自己放鬆。
- A lot of people exercise to let off steam. Other people prefer quiet activities like reading.
- 對,每個人啊疏解壓力的方法都不一樣。所以 Larry,你是通過看書來讓自己放鬆的啊?
- I like to do exactly what we're doing now. I let off steam by relaxing and having a nice meal with a friend.
- 和朋友吃吃飯,聊聊天是挺放鬆的。可是如果你真的很生氣,非常生氣,那你怎麼發洩你的怒氣呢?
- Sometimes it helps to talk to someone. It's usually better to let off some steam before dealing with the issue directly.
- 那倒是,先跟別人談一談。火氣很大的時候啊,最好還是別去處理那事兒。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Oops! I forgot that I have to work on Sunday. That just ruins my whole weekend.
- Oops? 我常聽到人們這麼說耶, Larry,那是什麼意思啊?
- People usually say oops to acknowledge that they have made a mistake or have had a minor accident. I mistakenly thought I had the whole weekend off, when I actually have to work on Sunday. Oops.
- 原來 oops 就是發現自己犯了個小錯誤或者出了一點沒有意料到的小插曲的時候說的,就好像中文裏啊 “哎呀,糟了”。所以你是說,你差點忘了你星期天還得上班。哎,還好,現在只是星期五,你啊要是到星期一才想起來,那可真是糟了。恐怕到時候說 Oops 都太晚囉。
- That's true. Oops! I just dropped my fork on the floor.
- 叉子掉在地上不是什麼大事兒,叫服務員再拿個乾淨的就好啦。
- That's okay. There's an extra one on the next table. I'll just take that one.
- 拿那個桌子的叉子也行,反正啊哪兒沒人坐。 Oh no,這回輪到我要說 oops 了。我想起來了,今天晚上我該給我媽打電話耶。
- You still have time. We should be finished here soon and you can go right home to call your mom.
- Oops! 吃完飯趕回家也沒用啊,我忘了買電話卡了。沒有電話卡,我怎麼打電話呢?
- I have a calling card. You can use it to call your mom. I don't mind at all.
- 啊~,幸好你有張電話卡,Larry,真是太謝謝你囉!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。第一個是: let off steam,這是指發洩怒氣或者是其他情緒。另外一個常用語是: oops,這是一種語氣詞,通常是一個人犯了一些小錯誤的時候說的。