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2024.09.09 05:54
第十三部 第十三課: make a u-ey , step on it
- Larry 和李華正在開車去看朋友,可是在紐約皇后區迷了路。李華今天會學到兩個常用語:make a u-ey 和 step on it。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Uh, Li Hua, I think we are going the wrong way. I think we need to make a u-ey.
- 什麼, 我們走錯路了啦?要 make a u-ey,那是什麼意思啊?
- To make a u-ey is to take a u-turn. U-ey,U-E-Y. I think you can make a u-ey up at the light ahead
- 喔~,往回開是對的。可是,Larry,你沒看見在燈前面有不讓調頭的牌子耶!
- Oh, you are right, Li Hua. We can't make a u-ey there. There is a "No U-turn" sign.
- 就是啊,這裡明明寫著 “不許調頭”。
- Yeah, if a cop had seen you, he would have given you a ticket for making a u-ey there.
- 我們啊還是小心點吧,給警察看見啊一定會罰款的。
- Hey, Li Hua, do you see that 7-11 on your right? You can make a u-ey in the parking lot. There is no problem with turning around in a parking lot.
- 這倒是個好主意?,右轉到那個 7-11 雜貨店的停車場;再在那兒調頭。這啊肯定就沒有問題了。Larry,你好聰明喔。
- Nice work! Now we should be headed in the right direction.
- 方向啊是對了,可是你可千萬別大意哦,我可不想再 u-ey 了。
- Uh...Li Hua, I have some bad news.
- 什麼,又有什麼壞消息啦?
- I think we passed the street we need to turn down again. I'm afraid we'll be making another u-ey after all!
- 你說什麼?我們又錯過了該轉的路口?哎喲,天啊,我們又得找地方調頭了。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- We are really running late now, Li Hua. We better step on it!
- Step on it? 你要踩什麼啊?
- Step,S-T-E-P, step on the gas pedal. We need to hurry up and make this car go faster.
- 哦~,step on it 就是踩油門!我們啊,是有點兒晚了,可是我可不想 “stepping on it.”
- You don't have to speed, Li Hua. Just step on it a little bit. Just go a little faster.
- 我可以踩油門,再開快一點。不過安全也很重要哦!
- Of course it is important to drive safely, and if you really don't feel comfortable stepping on it, then you shouldn't. A little late is all right!
- 就是嘛!(Siren sound) 哎喲,不好啦,後面來了警車,要我停下來耶。
- Well, now you better step on it!
- Larry! 你說什麼啊?你要我加速,你瘋了啊?
- I'm just kidding, Li Hua. You really should pull over and see what the police officer wants.
- Larry,你看啦,都是你,叫我 step on it,你還有心思開玩笑?我把車停在路邊,讓我下車看看警察是怎麼說的。
- What did the police say? Did he give you a ticket?
- 我啊,還以為警察肯定要給我罰票。耶,其實呀,警察是覺得我們好像迷路了,他問我要不要幫忙。Larry,幸虧啊我沒有加速。不然我們就慘了。
- That's great, but now we are even later than before. Let's step on it!
- 還要讓我 step on it! 你啊,真是瘋啦?
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 make a u-ey, 意思是開車的時候調頭往回開。李華學到的另一個常用語是 step on it, 意思是踩油門,加快速度。