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第十三部 第十五課: runaround , take a chill pill

  • Larry 正在申請下學期學校的資助,可是到處碰壁。李華今天會學到兩個常用語:runaroundtake a chill pill
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • I am so frustrated! The Financial Aid Office is giving me a real runaround!
  • Larry,你說資助辦公室給你什麼? Runaround,那是什麼呀?
  • To give someone a runaround means to be deceptive and evasive to someone. They sent me from office to office,but no one can give me the right answers.
  • 哦~, to give someone a runaround 意思就是對某人很虛假,躲躲閃閃的。你是說資助辦公室打發你到這個辦公室那個辦公室,可是,就是沒有人給你一個明確的回答啊。Larry,那你現在應怎麼辦呢?
  • They are still giving me the runaround. They say I didn't turn in my application on time, but I know I did.
  • 他們說你沒有交申請表?瞎說,你肯定交了,我還跟你一起去的嘛。你知道,Larry,每次啊我申請延長學生簽證,他們也是這樣,把我像皮球一樣踢來踢去的,gave me a runaround。
  • That's too bad. Since being given the runaround is no fun, what do you say we go for ice cream somewhere?
  • 去吃冰淇淋?我不知道能不能去耶。我今天下午好忙喔,要批改很多作文呢。
  • How about after you grade your papers?
  • 批改卷子以後,我還要寫論文。
  • Li Hua, are you giving me the runaround?
  • Larry,看你說的,我怎麼是在找藉口呢?我看你有點多疑了吧。
  • Well, you aren't giving me a direct answer for one.
  • 沒有明確回答你。好吧,Larry,我的答案啊是不能去,對不起我不能跟你去吃冰淇淋。這行了吧?
  • That's OK! Just don't give me the runaround anymore. I've had enough of that!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • I've been so frustrated by this whole financial aid mess. I really need to take a chill pill.
  • 你要吃什麼藥片?吃了這藥片就能夠解決資助的問題了啊?
  • Ha-Ha, very funny. No, to take a chill pill means to calm down. I need to calm down, forget my problems and do something else.
  • 原來是這個意思啊。To take a chill pill,就是設法平靜下來。啍~,我看也是哦,最好的辦法啊就是平靜下來,做點別的事兒,先把這事兒擱一邊。Larry,Rick 的車給人撞壞了,他氣死了。我看啊他也該平靜下來,take a chill pill。
  • No, Rick did have good reason to be upset. I wouldn't have told him to take a chill pill in that case.
  • 是,他有理由生氣。在這種情況下就不能叫他 take a chill pill? 嗯~,那你再舉個例子給我聽聽嘛,什麼情況下可以說 take a chill pill 呢?
  • Sometimes when you get so worried before a test, Li Hua, I just want to tell you to take a chill pill.
  • 每次考試以前啊,我總是特別緊張。以後啊你看見我考試前太緊張,你儘管對我說 take a chill pill。我啊不會生氣的。我也不知道自己為什麼會那麼緊張呢。
  • You always study so hard. There is no need to be worried. You should just take a chill pill and relax. You know you'll do fine.
  • 我也這麼想啊!我是很用功,每一次考試成績也都很好,本來我就不該緊張。不過啊,有的時候我倒覺得考試前心情緊張一點反而會考的好哦。
  • In that case, you don't have to take a chill pill. But if I were too nervous before a test, I would be unable to think clearly and would certainly fail the test.
  • 那倒是有可能。每個人不一樣嘛。不過啊,Larry, 你要是考糊了,你就會非常不高興。到那個時候,你就得 take a chill pill。 我看哪,你還是應該更用功一點,這樣你的成績會更好啊。
  • Oh, Li Hua, take a chill pill!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 give someone a runaround,意思是找藉口,躲躲閃閃,拖延,特別是對提出要求的人。另一個常用語是 take a chill pill,意思是平靜下來
EPT 美語
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