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2024.09.09 05:36
第十三部 第八課: shrink , gross out
- 李華和 Larry 正在討論他們剛才看的電影。今天李華會學到兩個常用語: shrink 和 gross out。
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- Larry,剛才電影裏的男主角說他需要看一個 shrink 那是什麼意思啊? Shrink 這個當動詞用的時候是指縮水,可是在這裡好像不是這個意思耶。他到底在說什麼啊?
- Shrink is a somewhat negative slang term for a psychiatrist. If you tell someone that he needs to see a shrink, it means that you think he's crazy.
- Shrink 是指心理醫生啊!你要是說要去看心理醫生,別人就會覺得你這個人腦袋有問題,精神不正常啊。
- Yeah, but shrink isn't usually a nice way to refer to psychiatrists.
- 哦~, shrink 是指心理醫生,但是是帶貶意的。為什麼呢?
- Well, for instance, if my dad were a psychiatrist, I wouldn't describe him to other people as a shrink.
- 你爸爸要是一位心理醫生,你就不會說他是個 shrink,為什麼啊?你爸爸是個很糟糕的醫生嗎?
- No, it's because shrink is just not a very respectful word.
- 我懂了,所以 shrink 就是對心理醫生不尊重的稱呼。對了,Larry,你看過心理醫生嗎?
- Are you trying to imply that I'm crazy, Li Hua?
- 沒有啦,我當然知道你腦子沒有問題嘛。不過,在美國好像很多人都去看心理醫生耶!
- It is more acceptable nowadays, but a lot of people are still very uncomfortable about the idea of seeing a shrink.
- 是啊,好像啊這是很普遍的事。原來在美國還是有很多人覺得不能夠接受,他們覺得啊去看心理醫生的都是有些問題,腦筋不太正常的人吧!
- No, shrinks help people who are depressed or are having family problems. Actually, most of the people who see a shrink probably aren't what we would call crazy.
- 是啊,現代人的生活啊這麼緊張,很多人都得到憂鬱症,這個時候心理醫生就能幫很大的忙了。對了,Larry,你認不認識什麼心理醫生啊?
- Actually, my Dad's best friend is a shrink. He works with children that have social disorders.
- 真的啊?你爸爸的好朋友就是一個心理醫生?而且他專門治療小朋友不合群的問題啊? Larry,你小的時候有沒有什麼問題,去看過這醫生啊?
- Very funny, Li Hua.
- 我是跟你開玩笑的啦!
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- Hey, Li Hua, were you grossed out by the murder scene in that movie?
- 你是說電影裏那段謀殺的情節怎麼樣啦?什麼是 gross out?
- Grossed out means disgusted. So, did that scene gross you out?
- Gross out 就是讓人感到噁心,你這麼一說啊我就想起來,那一段劇情啊真是夠可怕的,有好多血喔!我是真的覺得 gross out!
- Yeah, me too. Usually scenes like that don't bother me too much because I know they're fake, but that one was particularly nasty. I was really grossed out.
- 我啊,一看到血我就受不了了。前幾天,我不小心摔傷了膝蓋,看到血流出來,我差點兒沒昏倒呢 - I almost grossed out.
- I guess that it's a good thing you decided not to be a surgeon. Otherwise, you'll be grossed out all the time.
- 是啊,我媽媽啊一心想要我當醫生,可是我這種一看到血就噁心的人,怎麼能進醫學院嘛!
- Yeah, in medical school, you have to study dead bodies.
- Larry,你別再說啦,你愈說我愈害怕,也愈覺得噁心了。別再說了啦!
- Wow, I guess you do get grossed out easily.
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- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。第一個是: shrink,這是指心理醫生,但是是一種不太禮貌的稱呼,所以大家在用的時候要小心。另一個常用語是: gross out,就是讓人噁心的意思。