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2024.09.09 07:02
第十三部 第十二課: shindig , a steal
- 這是一個星期六,Larry 和李華來到學校附近一個社區,那裏的住戶當天都把家裏沒用的東西拿出來廉價銷售。李華會學到兩個常用語:shindig 和 a steal。
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- Li Hua, this community yard sale is huge. It is quite a shindig!
- 哇~,這兒好熱鬧喔。有這麼多住家擺攤賣舊貨,還有這麼多人來買便宜貨耶。Larry? 你說這是一個 shindig,什麼是Shindig 啊?這聽起來好像不像英文詞耶?
- Oh, it is an English word all right.
- Okay,那它是個英文詞,可是,這個 shindig 到底是什麼意思啊?
- A shindig is a big, noisy event. It can be a party or any big social occasion where there are lots of people.
- Oh, shindig 就是規模很大,很熱鬧的聚會,或者是某種社會的活動。原來如此!這個社區啊定在今天大家一起來賣舊貨,吸引了很多人來這兒撿便宜。所以這就成了一個 shindig。那還有什麼場合可以稱為 shindig 呢?
- Remember, last year we went to the party for Professor Jackson's retirement? That was also a big shindig.
- 喔,傑克遜教授退休的時候我們搞的那一次聚會確實也可以稱做 shindig。當時啊,系裏的研究生和教授們都到場了,向他表示敬意。那一次的 shindig 啊,盛況確實難忘;大家是又吃又喝,真的很痛快耶!
- Speaking of shindigs, when are you going to have a shindig at your place, Li Hua?
- 你要在我家裏搞一個 shindig? 嗯~,看來,那麼大的聚會總得等到考試以後才能辦囉。
- I can't think of a better time to have a big shindig than after exams. I can help you plan it.
- 就是啊,考完試啊大家心情都放輕鬆,那就是舉辦 shindig 最好的時候了。你還願意幫我策劃,那太好了。Larry 啊,其實,要是在你家裡辦不是更好嗎?你那裏地方大呀!
- Yeah, but it is also a lot dirtier. I wouldn't want to throw a fancy shindig in my messy place.
- 那倒也是,你的家呀,雖然大,但確實是雜亂無章的。不過,我可以幫你打掃耶!地方大,辦 shindig,不是可以有更多人來參加嗎?
- You're right! I will need your help though!
- 嘿,你看那些碟子!這正是我需要的。
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- Wow, Li Hua. Those dishes are a steal!
- Steal?不,Larry,我幹嘛要偷啊?這麼便宜我當然買得起囉!就算是我買不起,我也不會偷啊!
- Oh, Li Hua, I know that. But when something is a very good deal we say it is a steal.
- 喔,原來如此,對不起喔,我還以為你讓我偷呢!原來 a steal 就是很合算、很便宜的東西。我們中國人啊就會說,這些碟子簡直便宜得像白撿的一樣,所以就可以說這是 a steal 了。我把這一套全買下來也只要花五美元吶!
- That is what is great about shopping at a community yard sale. You can find a lot of real steals.
- 沒錯,在這種社區賣舊貨的地方啊,真能檢到便宜貨。耶,Larry,你看看還有沒有別的便宜貨可以撿嗎?Any more steals?
- Yeah, look at this lamp. I need a lamp for my living room, and this one is only ten dollars.
- 你客廳裏需要一盞檯燈啊?十塊美元,哼~,我可不敢說這也是個 steal。
- Why not, Li Hua? It appears to work.
- 這燈是可以用的,可不一定是 steal 啊。我的碟子啊是個 steal,那是因為物美價廉,可是這盞檯燈嘛...
- Are you saying that the lamp is ugly?
- 嘿嘿,說實話,這燈啊是夠難看的。
- I am glad you are honest with me, Li Hua. Not everything at a yard sale is a real steal. You've just saved me ten bucks!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 shindig,意思是規模很大,人很多,很熱鬧的盛會。李華學到的另一個常用語是 a steal,那是指便宜得像白檢的東西一樣。