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2024.12.13 07:32
第二部 第一課: to goof off , to hit the sack
- Michael 和李華今天早上都有課,現在正往課堂走.李華今天會學到兩個常用語: to goof off 和 to hit the sack。
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- Michael,別往我頭上扔雪塊了,行嗎?你怎麼像個小孩呀!
- Li Hua, I'm just goofing off.
- 你啊,就是討厭.我不懂什麼是 goofing off.
- Actually Li Hua, to goof off does mean that I'm acting stupid and not being serious. You know, Goof is spelled g-o-o-f, and Off is o-f-f, Goof is a verb.
- 哦~, to goof off 就是干無聊的事,哎,那你確實很無聊哎,老向我扔雪塊。
- To goof off is a great term. Young people use it a lot. It is often used to describe how young people are behaving.
- 年輕人經常會用 to goof off 來形容別人的行為?我記得啊,唸中學時,班上有個學生老是打斷老師的話,喜歡開玩笑,那~,你可以說這個學生是 goofing off 嗎?
- Yeah, that's right. Children or young people often goof off. Do you remember when we were at the movies and those high school students threw candy at the screen, you could say they were goofing off.
- 對,沒錯,小孩啊和年輕人經常會做一些無聊的事開玩笑.我才不會忘記啊我們那一次去看電影的事呢.那幾個中學生啊,往銀幕上扔糖果,真是太無聊了,他們還以為好玩呢。
- To tell you the truth, when I went to the library in high school with my roommates we would usually waste time and ended up goofing off.
- 你是說,你在唸中學時跟同學去圖書館唸書,結果在那兒互相扔紙球呀?
- Yeah, that's right.
- 怪不得你一開始考不上大學呢!行啦,教室到了,哎,下課啊等我一起去圖書館,不過,你可千萬不要 goof off 喔。
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- 噢,這課真是枯燥無味.我最討厭晚上上課,每次上完課啊,我都感到很累喔。
- That's right. Even though it's not that late, I'm ready to hit the sack!
- 啊~?你說什麼?你要去捅一個口袋? Sack 不是麻袋嗎?我以為你很累了,你現在還要去運動啊?
- No, no. It's a colloquial saying. I mean I'm going to bed. Sack, s-a-c-k, here means bed, and Hit, h-i-t, means going to.
- 哦~,原來 to hit the sack 是指去睡覺, sack 呢~,在這裡是指床,那 hit 就是去床上睡覺的意思.哎, Michael,那我要坐下,我能不能說 to hit the chair 呢?
- Hmmm, No, not really. This phrase -- to hit the sack -- has a pretty limited meaning.
- 哦~, to hit the sack 只能說是去睡覺,別的地方還不能用啊!嗯~,那要是我下午想睡個午睡,我能不能說: I want to hit the sack.?
- No, it's usually used to talk about going to bed at night, after a long day at work or school.
- 哦~,午睡也不能用啊,這只能指一天工作和學習以後晚上去睡覺.哎,那現在我已經上了一天的學,再加上晚上上了這個枯燥無味的課,我總可以說: It's time for me to hit the sack.對不對?
- That's correct, Li Hua. But don't forget that we have a test tomorrow.
- 我當然不會忘掉明天的考試囉。
- Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow's test we will have to study seriously for next week's test, no more goofing off.
- 好,明天你想好好學習,為下星期的考試作準備.沒問題,我幫你準備,我們倆啊,都會考得很好。
- Yeah, I'm going to hit the sack. Bye, Li Hua!
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- Michael 今天教李華兩個常用語,一個是: to goof off,意思是「做一些無聊的事、開玩笑」;另一個是: to hit the sack,這是指「晚上上床睡覺」。