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EPT 美語
首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 美國之音 / 流行美語 / 第二部 / 第07課

第二部 第七課: couch potato , nuts

  • 今天 Michae l剛好在校園裡碰到李華。李華會在談話中學到兩個常用語:couch potatonuts
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 嗨,Michael, 你要上哪兒去呀?
  • I'm going to meet Jon at the subway. You've met Jon, haven't you?
  • 嗯,是不是上一次在 party 上你給我介紹那個帶眼鏡的人呢?
  • Yes. I want to drag him out to do something. You know, he's such a couch potato.
  • 噢?他是什麼? Couch potato? 什麼是 couch potato? 他愛吃土豆啊?
  • No, couch potato is an expression used to describe someone who sits in front of the TV all the time eating junk food, such as potato chips.
  • 哦~,原來 couch potato 是指一個人老坐在電視機前吃零食。我知道了,couch 就是沙發, potato 呢是土豆, p-o-t-a-t-o, 可是 Michael 啊,couch 是怎麼拼的呢?
  • Couch is spelled: c-o-u-c-h.
  • 哎~,這個常用語到挺有趣的。那~,couch potato 是不是只能夠指人吶?
  • Yes, it is only used to describe people, those who are lazy and unmotivated.
  • 哦~,只能夠指人,指那些懶懶散散,沒有動力的人。好,下回啊我就要叫我哥哥 couch potato。他老是看電視,一看啊就看到三更半夜,吃東西啊撒在地毯上、沙發上,到處都是。
  • My father's like that too. My mother is always angry at him. But he doesn't care.
  • 啊?你爸爸也是這樣呀!我要是你媽啊,我也會生氣的。
  • But sometimes, after a really hard week at school, I also just want to collapse and be a couch potato.
  • 嗯~,一個星期在學校唸書,實在是很累喔,回家當一回 couch potato,我想還是可以的,只要啊不是每天都這樣就行了。
  • Yes, Li Hua, I agree.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • Li Hua, would you like to join us? Jon and I are going to play tennis.
  • 啊?你們要打網球呀,那太好了,我正在學打網球吶。
  • That's wonderful. You know, some people think I'm nuts to have a friend like Jon.
  • 啊?你說有的人認為你是什麼? Nuts?疑?Nuts 不是花生、杏仁那樣的果仁嗎?你跟 Jon 交朋友跟吃花生有什麼關係呀?
  • No, nuts here means someone who is crazy.
  • 哦~,原來nuts在這裡是說一個人做的事很怪。大概就像我們中文說的:你瘋啦!對不對?
  • That's right. Jon can be rude, and he also argues a lot. Sometimes he does drive me nuts.
  • 哎~,他看起來不像會對別人無禮、愛跟人爭論的人哪!哎,你剛才說 drives me nuts 是什麼意思啊?
  • Drives me nuts means he makes me crazy.
  • 哦~,原來還可以說 drive me nuts,或者是 drive someone nuts。哎!Michael 啊,那天我上移民局去辦手續,排隊好長啊,我站了一小時,我真是火死了。我能不能說:They drove me nuts 呢?
  • Of course. You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in high school and that drove me nuts.
  • 啊?你唸中學的時候,你媽媽每天晚上要你打掃房間呀?那是有點受不了。哎,Michael,你認識我的朋友張紅嗎?
  • Oh, yes, she is nuts. She spent $200 on a dress, and it's ugly.
  • 嘻嘻嘻,對!張紅這個人啊是有點問題喔,花兩百美元買件難看的衣服。哎,不過,Michael, You sometimes drive me nuts too.
  • Li Hua, I think you are learning these words too fast.
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學了兩個常用語,一個是: couch potato;另一個是: nuts
EPT 美語
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