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2025.01.16 20:07
第二部 第十四課: loser , to bug
- 今天他們決定到一個公園去滑冰。李華會學到兩個常用語:loser 和 to bug。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 哎~,今天天氣真好哎!正是運動的好天氣。我已經好久都沒有滑冰了。
- You're a very good skater. I just keep falling down.
- 哎喲,學滑冰總是會摔跤的。多練習練習就好啦。
- I know, but I feel like such a loser. I keep getting passed by little kids. They laugh at me.
- 小孩子肯定是比我們滑得快,別怕他們笑話你。哎,你剛才說你覺得自己是什麼? loser? 滑冰又不是比賽,怎麼會輸掉呢?
- I said I feel like a loser, l-o-s-e-r, it means that I feel like a failure. It doesn't mean I lost a game.
- 哦~,你是說 loser 就是一個人做某件事總是做不好。嗯!我們在中文裡啊常說:「我怎麼老學不好,真是個笨蛋」。所以,這跟 loser 的意思差不多了囉?哎,不過,Michael,我肯定你在滑冰方面不是笨蛋,你只要多練習就行了。
- Thanks for the encouragement, Li Hua. But I've always been kind of a loser at sports. Growing up, I was always picked last for the baseball and soccer teams.
- 哦~,原來你在體育方面從小就不行啊。哎,不過,Michael,在其他方面你 一點也不笨啊。
- What do you mean, Li Hua?
- 你還不明白嗎?女孩子啊都很喜歡你呢,你還有其他好多朋友呀。
- You're right, I do have a lot of friends. But if they could see how many times I fell down today, I'm sure they would not want be friends with such a loser.
- 得了吧,Michael,要說笨蛋啊,那天晚上我們見到那個人才是呢。他自以為很帥,老想和女孩子搭訕,可是,誰都知道他是個沒出息的人,都不想和他交朋友。疑?Michael,我們能不能叫這種人 loser 呢?
- Yeah, very good, Li Hua. That guy really is a loser. He never studies at all. I think he's in college just to party.
- 啊?他從來不唸書呀?哎,Michael,你還滑不滑呢?
- I guess so...Just wait up for me, in case I fall down again. Okay, let's go!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Michael,運動一下真舒服喔。
- Yeah, you had been bugging me about going skating for so long. I guess it was about time that I came along with you.
- 什麼是 bugging 啊? Bug 不是小蟲子嗎?
- No, bugging, b-u-g-g-i-n-g, means to bother or annoy someone about something. I didn't mean it in a serious way, I was just kidding.
- 哦~,to bug 就是為了某件事去麻煩別人,讓人討厭。 Michael, 能不能再舉個例子呢?
- Sure. You can say that something is bugging you, such as an assignment that you haven't been able to finish or a problem that you cannot solve. You could also...
- 等等等等,你先讓我弄清楚你說的。你是說,我沒能完成的功課,或者解決不了的問題都可以用 to bug 這個動詞。那就是說:"This assignment is bugging me",或者我說:「This problem is bugging me",對不對啊?
- Yes, you can also say that a habit someone has really bugs you.
- 我知道,像 Mary,她老是打斷我說話,讓我很煩、很討厭的。
- You could say "It really bugs me when Mary interrupts me in the middle of a sentence." I can also say it really bugs me when you try to tell me what to do.
- 嘿~,我告訴你該怎麼做是為了你好。老實說,it bugs me that you never listen to me.
- It seems that you've learned how to use "loser" and "to bug". Let's go home.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 李華今天學了一個名詞 loser,指「一個人老是不會做某一件事」;她還學了一個動詞 to bug,意思是「為了一件事老是去麻煩別人,讓人討厭」。